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[News] Verizon and AT&T Fight Against Net Neutrality in Wireless

  • Subject: [News] Verizon and AT&T Fight Against Net Neutrality in Wireless
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 21:54:02 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Flip Flops Are Evil

,----[ Quote ]
| Surprisingly, AT&T has reversed its position, and is now 
| passionately supportive of net neutrality. What, you may ask, 
| caused this dramatic shift? Why, Google, of course. AT&T filed 
| a letter with the FCC today complaining that Google Voice 
| blocks calls to certain rural locations. According to AT&T, 
| blocking phone calls is a violation of net neutrality â 
| dictionary, anyone? â and thus Google is in violation of the 
| rules that aren't rules which AT&T vehemently despised but now 
| passionately adores.


Verizon, AT&T: Net neutrality not OK for wireless

,----[ Quote ]
| "We are concerned, however, that the FCC appears ready to 
| extend the entire array of Net neutrality requirements to what 
| is perhaps the most competitive consumer market in America: 
| wireless services," he said.
| He argues that wireless networks differ from wireline 
| broadband networks because bandwidth is more limited on a 
| wireless network. And he said that imposing new rules on how 
| carriers operate their wireless networks would stifle 
| investment.



AT&T Quits Free Usenet Access July 15th

,----[ Quote ]
| Caves to demands that it âprotect its customers from child pornographyâ even
| though discontinuing free service will do little to fight the problem since
| pedophiles will simply switch to third party premium Usenet services.

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