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[News] ASUS Comes Back to GNU/Linux in Sub-notebooks, Apparently

  • Subject: [News] ASUS Comes Back to GNU/Linux in Sub-notebooks, Apparently
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 00:39:40 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Asus Eee PC 1008HA Linux source code now available

,----[ Quote ]
| But this weekend Asus did something 
| interesting. The company posted Linux source 
| code for the Asus Eee PC 1008HA. In fact, 
| there are 5 different downloads, ranging in 
| size 299Mb to 488MB. I have no idea what the 
| difference is between one and the other, and 
| Iâm not entirely sure whatâs contained in the 
| files yet. But if I had to guess, Iâd say that 
| Asus is preparing to launch a version of the 
| Eee PC 1008HA that runs Moblin Linux.


Whither Goest Thou, ASUS?

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, we find they list GNU/Linux as an OS for 
| the new eeePC 1008HA Clamshell. They also have 
| a download for the source code.
| What are you doing ASUS? Has the deal with M$ 
| expired? Is GNU/Linux from the competition 
| eating your lunch? Could this be hard 
| bargaining before â7â?



PR disaster alert: Asus attacks on Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| As the articles here and here as well as the discussion here point out,
| leaving Linux is not only a bad move from a technical point of view but the
| way it was done also angered and insulted members of the Linux community,
| many of which are your customers. Guess what? They are not you consumers
| anymore. Worse, these are usually people responsible for purchasing the
| computing equipment for their families or their companies, so the loss goes
| much deeper than just a few Linux users. Let's look at a few chosen comments
| from the articles above....


Asus Eee and the 'It's Better with Windows' Campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| However, despite the first flurry of rumors that the campaign was a hoax,
| Asus has admitted that the campaign is legitimate. In a way, the news is a
| relief. For those of us who have looked askance at Microsoft's sponsoring of
| open source conferences and efforts to create its own open source ecosystem,
| the It's Better with Windows site is a return to the familiar. At least when
| Microsoft is spinning half-truths about free and open source software (FOSS),
| you can be in no doubt where everybody stands.
| The site is very much a classic piece of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt),
| the likes of which we may never see again as Microsoft becomes more subtle in
| its struggle to survive in a market where FOSS is a player.


Is Microsoft âBuying-Offâ Linux Netbook Vendors? [Updated]

,----[ Quote ]
| This whole thing reminds me of the stupid and cringe-worthy adverts you see
| in the press where Vendor X says that they âRecommend Proprietary OS Home
| Premiumâ. Do they hell. Do you think they really believe that? Or do you
| think they have been given incentives to say so? I often wonder if there
| could be a case here with the Trades Description Act (if that still exists).
| IANAL so donât really know but it seems as though many vendorsâ adverts are
| not being totally honest when they make these recommendations. Itâs bloody
| obvious they are being paid in some form or another to say that.



More evidence of Microsoft "tying up" the Asus EeePC

,----[ Quote ]
| Then, one of the makers of Netbooks will release a fantastic product using
| the paid Ubuntu/Netbook Remix, which will make us all forget about the EeePC
| â or, maybe weâll remember it as one of the makers which used GNU/Linux in
| order to launch a product, and then gave in to Microsoftâs pressure.
| The real question is: will the next maker manage to resist Microsoftâs
| pressure? Or will everybody end up closely tied up with Microsoft?



,----[ Quote ]
| TechTree: States like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka promote the Linux
| operating system in its education and government sectors. Will ASUS roll out
| Linux alternatives for the new 904HD and 1000H models in India?
| Benson Lin: Currently, we're closely tied up with Microsoft and the EEE PC
| with Windows XP would be available to the Indian market.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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