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Microsoft blocks Linux?
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| Hoje, numa tarefa de criar uma conta para
| um novo serviÃo que a Microsoft anda a
| disponibilizar online (basicamente MSN para
| Web mesmo da parte da Microsoft e nÃo de
| outrÃm, como actualmente existe), notei
| estranhamente que alguns links nÃo estavam
| a funcionar, entre eles
| http://messenger.live.com/ e
| http://join.msn.com/ (links que precisava
| para aderir ao tal serviÃo). Today, a task
| to create an account to a new service that
| Microsoft made available online walks
| (basically MSN Web for the same part of
| Microsoft, and not of others, as currently
| exists), I noticed strangely that some
| links were not working between they
| http://messenger.live.com/ and
| http://join.msn.com/ (links that needed to
| adhere to such a service). Tinha notado
| tambÃm que o Hotmail nÃo aparecia na pÃgina
| inicial da MSN , mas como nÃo uso hotmail
| (estava com a conta do cliente), nÃo dei
| muita importÃncia. He also noticed that
| Hotmail does not appear on the home page of
| MSN, but I do not use hotmail (was with the
| customer's account) does not give any
| importance. Pensei simplesmente que
| estivessem com algum problema. I thought
| they were just some problem.
| [...]
| Numa espÃcie de âclickâ, e nÃo acreditando
| que fosse esse o problema, perguntei quais
| os sistemas operativas que estavam a
| utilizar e eis que me surpreendo quando
| dizem âWindowsâ e âMacâ. In a kind of
| "click", and not believing that was the
| problem, I asked what operating systems
| they were using and behold, I am surprised
| when they say "Windows" and "Mac". Comecei
| imediamente a desconfiar que os sites
| estivessem a bloquear pelo facto de usar
| Linux e fui fazer o teste, arrancando em
| Windows. Straightaway began to suspect that
| the sites were to block because I use Linux
| and do the test, pulling in Windows.
PT: Advocacy group criticises government portal, builds alternative
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| Portugal's National Association for the promotion of Free Software (Ansol)
| accuses the government Office of Construction and Property (INCI) of having
| broken procurement rules after it admitted on Monday that it had signed a
| 268,000 euro contract with Microsoft for the government's website on Public
| Expenses, Base, without a public tender.
Portuguese Public Administration forced to use Microsoft Office 2003/7
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| The Court of Accounts's Counsil for Corruption Prevention is making a
| mandatory survey on corruption risks in public procurement, which all public
| administrators must reply, by law. However, not only the survey is available
| only in Microsoft's binary format, but they also demand that it is returned
| in Microsoft Office 2003/7 XML format (MS-OOXML).
Portuguese open sourcers decry MS-only gov eProcurement
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| Portuguese open sourcers are a bit miffed that a government "eProcurement"
| platform offers "conditioned access to bid at a public tender", viz: If
| you're not running Microsoft software you're not tendering for anything.
Steve Ballmer Gets the Egg-Treatment in Budapest
Pity the Poor Classmate PC'd Children of Portugal
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| Combine that complete outsourcing of computer systems evaluation with silence
| on the financial terms of the deal and I'm thinking there is a deal in the
| works - cheap Classmates now for lucrative future government orders.
| Shady deals being a hallmark of Classmate sales to date.
Open source tour of Europe: Portugal
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| Many of the countryâs open source projects to date are in the education
| sector, triggered by the governmentâs five-year agreement with Sun, signed in
| 2004, to provide open source technologies â including Linux and
| OpenOffice.org/StarOffice â to Portuguese secondary schools.
| More recently the AssociaÃÃo Ensino Livre (Association for Free Education)
| was founded to increase the use of open source software in education, while
| the Education Ministry launched a new website designed to promote open source
| usage.
| Outside the education sector, the Institute of Technology is migrating to
| OpenOffice, the Ministry of Justice has used an open source system based on
| JBoss, PostgreSQL and Linux for the dissemination of information on
| referendum results and the Ministry of Internal Affairs used JBoss to create
| a new traffic fines management system.
OpenOffice.org being distributed to Portuguese schools
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| I was just made aware of this Portuguese blog entry. CDs including
| OpenOffice.org will be distributed to Portuguese schools again. Great news!
Portuguese Schools Learn About Open Source
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| As Microsoft understands - and as Apple first learned - if you get them
| young, you've pretty much got them forever. So it's good to see efforts being
| made to spread the open source word in the educational world, like this new
| effort by the Portuguese Ministry of Eduction...
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