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[News] Latest Evils of Intellectual Monopolies Cartels

  • Subject: [News] Latest Evils of Intellectual Monopolies Cartels
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 17:40:49 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

The Copyright Lobby's Secret Pressure On the Anti-Spam Bill

,----[ Quote ]
| As I posted earlier today, the Electronic Commerce 
| Protection Act comes to a conclusion in committee on 
| Monday as MPs conduct their "clause by clause" 
| review.  While I have previously written about the 
| lobbying pressure to water down the legislation 
| (aided and abetted by the Liberal and Bloc MPs on the 
| committee) and the CMA's recent effort to create a 
| huge loophole, I have not focused on a key source of 
| the pressure.  Incredibly, it has been the copyright 
| lobby - particularly the software and music 
| industries - that has been engaged in a full court 
| press to make significant changes to the bill.


Hey, showbiz folks: Check your contract before your next tweet

,----[ Quote ]
| Thereâs a growing number of studio deals with new 
| language aimed specifically at curbing usage of 
| social-media outlets by actors, execs and other 
| creatives. The goal: plugging leaks of disparaging or 
| confidential information about productions via the 
| likes of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.  


Copy shop liable for direct infringement from student on-premises copying of course packets

,----[ Quote ]
| The Eastern District of Michigan issued a decision on 
| Wednesday that is sure to be controversial. A group 
| of publishers brought suit alleging that a copy shop 
| had infringed thirty-three of their works. The copy 
| shop had accepted course packets from professors; 
| ensured that the course packets were in proper form 
| to be copied; given the packets to students upon 
| request; and provided copy machines for the students 
| to copy the packets.


First Read: Follow the Breadcrumbs

,----[ Quote ]
| New clues to the content and sustainability of 
| journalism are all around us. They are melding good 
| reporting, a sense of place, a passion for community, 
| and information that adds value. To really 
| reconstruct journalism, we need to follow these 
| breadcrumbs, make sense of the patterns and re-
| imagine what news and information needs to be for the 
| futureânot just how we pay for it.



Oh Shit, Someone Stole My Article

,----[ Quote ]
| For what its worth I donât have a problem with
| whats happened. None at all. I don't rationally
| believe it is 'stealing' either (hence the
| hopefully sarcastic quotation marks).
| In fact itâs rather justifying, it means that
| someone else believes/agrees my writing enough
| to share the value with his tribe.


CONFIRMED: YouTube Negotiating With Studios to Rent Movies Online

,----[ Quote ]
| YouTube is negotiating with major Hollywood studios on a plan to stream
| rented movies on Googleâs popular video-sharing site. If an agreement is
| reached, still an uncertainty, it would be the first foray by YouTube beyond
| advertising.

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