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[News] KDE4 Distro Seen as Suitable for Children

  • Subject: [News] KDE4 Distro Seen as Suitable for Children
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 21:05:26 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Who's a candidate for Desktop Linux? Your Kids.

,----[ Quote ]
| âHannah Montana Linuxâ is little more than a 
| desktop theme applied to fairly out-of-the box 
| Kubuntu, running KDE 4.x. Itâs not approved by 
| Disney or Miley Cyrus, itâs simply just the 
| efforts of a single programmer, who thought it 
| might be a good idea to attract children to Linux.


Probably the best KDE4 distro, along with OpenSUSE:

Remembering Mandriva

,----[ Quote ]
| But it should be noted that we live in a wide 
| world. And Mandriva is actually very popular 
| overseas in places like France, Brazil and in 
| Central America. North America has seemed to 
| largely fall into the Ubuntu or OpenSuSE camps, 
| along with some Fedora among others.



KDE 4.3.2 Release Announcement

,----[ Quote ]
| KDE Community Ships Second Translation and Service
| Release of the 4.3 Free Desktop, Containing Numerous
| Bugfixes, Performance Improvements and Translation
| Updates
| October 6th, 2009. Another month has passed since the
| release of KDE 4.3.0, so today the KDE Community
| announces the immediate availability of KDE 4.3.2, a
| bugfix, translation and maintenance update for the
| latest generation of the most advanced and powerful
| free desktop. KDE 4.3.2 is a monthly update to KDE
| 4.3. It ships with a desktop workspace and many
| cross-platform applications such as administration
| programs, network tools, educational applications,
| utilities, multimedia software, games, artwork,
| development tools and more. KDE's award-winning tools
| and applications are available in more than 50
| languages.


Hannah Montana Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Hannah Montana Linux is clearly geared toward those who are, in fact, Hannah
| Montana fans. Iâm guessing that this group must be comprised mainly of very
| young people. I canât imagine adults really being fans of this obnoxious
| little TV pop tart.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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