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[News] *Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10 Days Away, RC Reached

  • Subject: [News] *Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10 Days Away, RC Reached
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 13:17:46 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Announcing the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 9.10


Ubuntu 9.10 RC Release

,----[ Quote ]
| The Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Release 
| Candidate has been released and is available 
| for download. In addition to the GNOME 
| version of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu 
| Studio, and Mythbuntu versions have also 
| been released. Anticipation continues to 
| build for next weeksâ release of the Ubuntu 
| 9.10 stable version which will provide 
| significant improvements and updates to the 
| popular Ubuntu Linux desktop.


Download Ubuntu 9.10 Release Candidate

,----[ Quote ]
| What's new in Kubuntu and Xubuntu 9.10 RC? 
| Kubuntu 9.10 Release Candidate is built on 
| top of the KDE 4.3.2 desktop environment and 
| it includes the following applications and 
| features:
| Â Konqueror Web Browser;
| Â Amarok 2.2;
| Â KPackageKit 0.4.2;
| Â K3b 2 (Alpha 3);
| Â Userconfig 0.9;
| Â QtCurve 0.68.0;
| Â kcm-gtk 0.5.2;


Canonical Takes on Win 7 With Ubuntu 9.10 RC

,----[ Quote ]
| Canonical on Thursday made available the 
| Release Candidate of its latest Linux-based 
| operating system, Ubuntu 9.10, on the same 
| day Microsoft launched the long-awaited 
| Windows 7.



Preview of Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

,----[ Quote ]
| The release of the newest version of Ubuntu is only
| 10 days away. Many sites, including MakeTechEasier
| have covered its pending arrival and given you a
| glimpse of the Beta version. Today we are going to
| take a look at Kubuntu, the KDE-based version of
| Ubuntu.


REVIEW: Ubuntu 9.10 Beta Promises to Strengthen Distro's
Position as Desktop Favorite

,----[ Quote ]
| The beta of Ubuntu 9.10--or Karmic Koala as
| it's also known--offers the core open-
| source updates you would expect. But it
| also provides important enhancements in the
| areas of disk encryption, tightened system
| permissions and cloud service integration--
| all of which combine to make Ubuntu even
| more attractive as the Linux distro of
| choice on the desktop.


Ubuntu Linux Server Simplifies the Cloud

,----[ Quote ]
| New Linux server hands VARs and resellers
| an out-of-the-box way to sell private cloud
| computing behind the firewall.
| With new Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (EUC)
| capabilities and tools now fully integrated
| into its upcoming Ubuntu 9.10 Server
| Edition operating system, Linux vendor
| Ubuntu is getting ready to spread the
| benefits and promise of cloud computing to
| corporate users, VARs and resellers.


Significant improvements in Ubuntu 9.10

,----[ Quote ]
| I recently installed the beta version of the upcoming
| version of Ubuntu codenamed Karmic Kuala. The changes
| since 9.04 are somewhat subtle yet significant.
| Already in the beta you can feel the polish that went
| into it. Below, in no particular order, I shall rant
| about a few improvements that puts a smile on my
| face.


Karmic Koala: The best Ubuntu Linux ever?

,----[ Quote ]
| Another real nice addition to this
| distribution for new users is the Ubuntu
| Software Center. This take on an apps store,
| makes it mindlessly easy for people to find
| and install software. Experienced Linux users
| won't need this. For them, the Synaptic
| package manager and all the other usual
| package installation programs are there, and
| that's great. But, if you have a friend who's
| just getting their feet wet in Linux, this
| feature is great.


Screenshots Tour of Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 Beta

,----[ Quote ]
| Yes, after six months down the road, itâs time
| to gear up for the newly born Ubuntu baby
| again. This time, Ubuntu 9.10, codenamed
| Karmic Koala, will be officially released on
| 29th Oct 2009.  We, at MakeTechEasier have not
| been slacking around. With the release of the
| 9.10 beta, we have grabbed the LiveCD image,
| wipe our machines clean and installed the full
| version onto it. Now, let us present you the
| screenshots tour (and new features) review of
| Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 beta.


Ubuntu 9.10 Preview: New Login Manager

,----[ Quote ]
| Other aesthetic improvements in Ubuntu 9.10 include new
| default wallpaper and icon themes.  Stay tuned to
| WorksWithU for coverage of these and other new features in
| Karmic.


Breathe Icon Theme v0.51 :A nice icon theme set for ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Announced today the release of Breathe Icon Theme v0.51!. A
| new effort to create a set of icons mixing the modern style
| of KDEs "Oxygen" icons with Ubuntu's "Human" set. This icon
| set has been crafted by the Ubuntu Artwork community and
| therefor has Ubuntu in mind for it's intended use. "Because
| humans need Oxygen."


Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix Is Looking Great

,----[ Quote ]
| Our final write-up regarding Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix
| and the Moblin Netbook Remix will come in October. Beta
| releases of all the distributions in the Ubuntu family
| are planned for the first of October followed by the
| final releases on the 29th of October.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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