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[News] New KDE4 Distribution Chakra is Reviewed

  • Subject: [News] New KDE4 Distribution Chakra is Reviewed
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 08:17:36 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Chakra Alpha 3 â Review!

,----[ Quote ]
| Ive always prefered the minimalist DE.  XFCE 
| was always a favorite of mine and whilst my 
| hardware is more than modern enough to run 
| the latest DE, Ive always been of the opinion 
| that no matter what your specs, you shouldnât 
| needlessly throw CPU cycles away on âbling 
| featuresâ that apart from being visually 
| appealing serve little purpose.  Having said 
| that I cannot live in the past forever so 
| âonwards and upwardsâ with KDE 4.3.1!
| [...]
| It would not be fair to be critical of Chakra 
| on the basis of it being incomplete in terms 
| of default packages, if this is an example of 
| later versions I can see Chakra being VERY 
| popular.  Its fast, functional & compatible.  
| In regards to KDE I found it smooth, fast and 
| puts Windows 7 to shame  since I was running 
| a very GFX appealing distro on only 512mb of 
| ram and an old rig.



First Look: Chakra Project Alpha 2

,----[ Quote ]
| Iâve enjoyed my time looking at Chakra, and while it has many rough edges to
| iron out before an official release, I do think itâs potential is there for
| all to see. Arch is a great distribution and building on top of it like this
| makes perfect sense to me. Iâm not sure exactly who Chakra is aimed at but it
| doesnât seem to be new Linux users. They even say that on their website. I
| think for Arch users who like KDE itâs definitely worth a look, even in this
| early stage. Why not get involved and help them make it even better. Some
| knowledge of Arch is essential if youâre planning to get involved with
| Chakra. Having the backup of my Arch experience really helped me fix some
| teething problems. The liveCD works perfectly already, they just need to
| tweek the installer a little and theyâll be onto a winner. One thing is for
| sure, when they finally get a full release of Chakra ready for public
| consumption, Iâll be back to look at it. Itâs one to keep your eye on I say.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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