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[News] MySQL Debate Carries on as Stallman Visits Malaysia

  • Subject: [News] MySQL Debate Carries on as Stallman Visits Malaysia
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 08:50:12 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Monty, Stallman, MySQL, Oracle, and Sun: Open Letter Wars 

,----[ Quote ]
| The moment the MySQL founders, who have been 
| handsomely rewarded, took VC money they 
| turned MySQL from being a hobby 
| project/company, and into a major technology 
| company and an asset. The change happened 
| years ago, it's just that they're only 
| starting to wise up now.


Everything you always wanted to know about MySQL but were afraid to ask

,----[ Quote ]
| In order to try and bring some order to the 
| conversation, we have brought together some 
| of the most referenced blog posts and news 
| stories in chronological order. We will 
| continue to update this post until either the 
| acquisition or the ECâs investigation closes.


Brian Aker debates with Richard Stallman

,----[ Quote ]
| At foss.my 2009, Brian Aker asked Richard 
| Stallman at his keynote, about the 
| Oracle/Sun acquisition (with a focus on 
| MySQL), with regards to the parallel 
| licensing approach used by MySQL.


Keynote speech of Richard Stallman in FOSS.my about free software movement 

,----[ Quote ]
| Today is the 2nd day of FOSS.my 2009, a 
| Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) 
| conference organized and suported by 
| grassroot communities in Malaysia, and the 
| high tide being Richard Stallman's keynote 
| speech about free software movement of more 
| than 2 hours, right before the delayed 
| lunch.



Oracleâs Safra Catz Meets With EUâs Kroes Over Sun (Update2)

,----[ Quote ]
| The investigation followed lobbying by
| Oracle competitors including SAP AG and
| Microsoft Corp.


Oracle's Sun acquisition war continues

,----[ Quote ]
| "To make things clear, I have not ever been
| paid anything from Microsoft and I have no
| relationship with them. The Codeplex
| foundation is an independent organization
| from Microsoft; It's true that a lot of the
| people on it are still paid by Microsoft,
| but that is supposed to change soon," wrote
| Widenius.
| Monty also expanded upon his support for
| Codeplex, stating
| "What is interesting with the Codeplex
| foundation is that if it is, what Microsoft
| claims it is, it will make it easy for
| people employed by Microsoft to actively
| participate with Open Source. This would be
| a great mind set change for Microsoft and as
| an Open Source/Free Software advocate I want
| to be sure that they do it right and there
| is no hidden agenda in the Foundation. The
| reason for me to accept to be on the
| Codeplex Advisory board was that it gives me
| a chance to ensure the above. I also believe
| that the more we get Microsoft employees
| (and actually any company) engaged in Open
| Source, the better it will be for Open
| Source projects in general."
| Still, Microsoft can be seen to have a
| massive vested interest in MySQL and whoever
| ultimately owns it.


The case for independence - Oracle, Sun and what to do with MySQL [updated]


Oracle, MySQL and the EU: The Q&A

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the course of the last week or so,
| conversation around the proposed Oracle
| acquisition of Sun â and thus, MySQL â has reached
| a boiling point, with commentary arriving fast and
| furious. There are plenty of pro and con positions
| on the transaction, and yet I am compelled to
| comment, both because my opinion has been
| requested and because I donât see anyone making
| the case quite as I would.
| So, with no further preamble, the Oracle/MYSQL
| Q&A.


Ingres Joins Universities to Support Students in Open Source


EU to Oracle: MySQL is sore point in Sun deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Europe's head of competition has criticized
| Oracle for what she characterised as a lack
| of cooperation over the investigation of
| Oracle's planned acquisition of Sun
| Microsystems, a spokesman for the European
| Commission said.


Stallman correct about Oracle's database business erosion


Oracle fails to convince MySQL doubters

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle has failed to persuade the European
| Commission that it will provide a safe home
| for MySQL.


Campaigners object to Oracle buying MySQL

,----[ Quote ]
| Software freedom activist Richard Stallman
| and the non-profits Knowledge Ecology
| International (KEI) and Open Rights Group
| (ORG) have issued a strongly worded letter
| to EU competition commissioner Neelie
| Kroes. In it they demanded that Oracle not
| be allowed to acquire MySQL.


A Remarkable Reversal

,----[ Quote ]
| It was a surprise to see Richard Stallman's
| signature on a letter to the European
| Commission calling on them to block the
| acquisition of MySQL by Oracle with its
| proposed acquisition of Sun.


Let the Sun-shine in (Oracle)

,----[ Quote ]
| This is absolutely frivolous, and it
| reflects a misconception of how the forces
| in the Free Software space work. It is not
| that a successful dual licensing enables a
| successful Free Software project, it is a
| successful Free Software project that
| permits to a dual licensing strategy to
| survive.


Letter to the EC opposing Oracle's acquisition of MySQL

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Commission should block
| Oracle's acquisition of MySQL as part of
| its acquisition of Sun Microsystems.
| Oracle seeks to acquire MySQL to prevent
| further erosion of its share of the market
| for database software licenses and
| services, and to protect the high prices
| now charged for its proprietary database
| software licenses and services.


MySQL founder says Oracle should let go of MySQL

,----[ Quote ]
| Monty Widenius, one of the original
| founders of MySQL, has called for Oracle to
| sell off the open source database so that
| its pending acquisition of Sun will not
| reduce choice in the marketplace.
| [...]
| Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has firmly
| rejected the prospect of selling off MySQL.
| He argues that the open source database
| doesn't compete with Oracle's enterprise
| products. The two database offerings target
| different sections of the market, he
| contends.
| It's unclear if the EU regulators will
| accept his view and allow the deal to move
| forward, but the delays are certainly
| damaging. While the EC is conducting its
| investigation, IBM is cannibalizing Sun's
| server business and picking the bones clean.


Richard Stallman joins call for Oracle to divest MySQL


Stallman opposes Oracle's takeover of MySQL


MySQL cofounder says Oracle should sell database

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle should resolve antitrust concerns over
| its acquisition of Sun Microsystems by selling
| open-source database MySQL to a suitable third
| party, its cofounder and creator Michael "Monty"
| Widenius said in a blog post on Monday.

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