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[News] Hands-On Experience with Nokiaâs N900 (Linux Powered)

  • Subject: [News] Hands-On Experience with Nokiaâs N900 (Linux Powered)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 07:04:39 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Hands On With Nokiaâs N900

,----[ Quote ]
| The N900 will start shipping around the end of 
| November and will cost $650. Weâll have a full 
| review on the finished hardware before then. So 
| far the N900 shows a great deal of promise â 
| Nokia is definitely doing the right thing when 
| it comes to an open platform and a lack of 
| Symbian. Now if only they could get a carrier 
| to subsidize the device and help bring the cost 
| down a little bit.



Linux in your hand; from geeks only to consumer friendly mass market

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is not new to the mobile phone world,
| but in the past the majority of Linux-based
| phones were sold in China or were feature
| phones with âhiddenâ Linux builds, such as
| the Motorola RAZR2 V8, MotoZine ZN5, and
| Motorola ROKRs. Companies have taken the
| power of Linux and are bringing that to the
| mass market with these latest smartphones.
| These Linux-based operating systems are
| attractive to device makers because of the
| free or relatively inexpensive licensing
| agreements. We also see some of these high
| end Linux-based operating systems being
| quite open, primarily when looking at
| Google Android and Nokia Maemo 5 and 6.
| Palmâs WebOS is primarily a closed system
| at this time.


Nokia N900 hype refuses to die down despite global launch delay

,----[ Quote ]
| The hype surrounding the anticipated launch
| of Nokia's flagship N900 smartphone is
| refusing to die down despite the Finnish
| mobile phone maker saying shipping of the
| smartphone has been delayed till November.


Nokia N900 Becomes More Desirable

,----[ Quote ]
| For those whoâve missed the vast coverage of
| the Nokia N900 itâs a new Linux based handset
| that uses the latest in Internet Tablet
| technology.


Videos and details reveal features of the Nokia N900 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| As you can see the Nokia N900 is a very capable
| device, even with this early software build
| currently loaded on it. I plan to post many
| more videos and thoughts on other areas of the
| device so stay tuned for more coverage. Please
| do let me know if you have any questions on the
| N900 and I will try to answer those as well. I
| am working on a post related to the N900 and
| enterprise usage for posting here.


What extra functionality would you most like to see in the Nokia N900?

,----[ Quote ]
| Yesterday we posted a story calling for
| your suggestions on what we should do
| with the N900 when we finally get hold of
| ours. The response has been overwhelming
| â in less than 24 hours over 80 of you
| have shared your ideas, leaving heaps of
| smart suggestions (read them all here),
| and theyâre still flooding in.


Hands On Nokia N900 smartphone demo

,----[ Quote ]
| We managed to get a little quality time with the
| Nokia N900 smartphone running Maemo and Linux. This
| smartphone, sporting killer specs and 3G HSDPA for T-
| Mobile US and Europe should begin shipping in the
| next few weeks. Notice how quick the device is when
| switching between desktop screens and applications--
| the multitasking is very impressive thanks to 256
| megs of RAM and virtual memory that brings it up to 1
| gig of application RAM.


Nokia N900 â Top of the Hacks

,----[ Quote ]
| Push N900 invites hackers, mods, creatives, and coders to push
| the Linux powered N900 to its limits and if you havenât
| already begun creating your masterpiece you should probably
| get cracking, as the competition, in which you can get your
| hands on a Nokia N900 and funding to realise your designs,
| ends on the 11th October.


Nokia N900 Gets Full Review

,----[ Quote ]
| The Nokia N900 takes the functionality of the
| older Nokia Tablet devices and repackages them
| into a slimmed down PDA device that features some
| design similarities with the Nokia N97. So, we
| get a full QWERTY keyboard sans the tilted slide
| function, 3.5-inch touchscreen but with a higher
| resolution. However, the real added bonus is the
| powerful Linux Maemo OS. Needless to say, we
| canât wait to get our hands on especially now the
| first full-on reviews are appearing.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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