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[News] Open Invention Network Gets Another Member for Its Monopolies Pool

  • Subject: [News] Open Invention Network Gets Another Member for Its Monopolies Pool
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 08:00:25 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Open Invention Network Extends the Linux Ecosystem as Messaging Architects Becomes Licensee

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Invention Network (OIN), the company 
| formed to enable and protect Linux, today 
| extended the Linux ecosystem with the 
| signing of Messaging Architects as a 
| licensee. By becoming a licensee, Messaging 
| Architects has joined the growing list of 
| companies that recognize the importance of 
| participating in a substantial community of 
| Linux supporters and leveraging the Open 
| Invention Network to further spur open 
| source innovation.


Web patents: Eolas claims are "not intended to cripple the internet"

,----[ Quote ]
| First they wrestled down Microsoft, now 
| they're litigating against other big IT 
| players: Eolas intends to enforce its patent 
| on web technologies and plug-ins for 
| integrating interactive content at all cost. 
| However, a partner of the legal firm 
| representing Eolas assured the readers of 
| German Focus magazine that the vendor does 
| not intend to cripple the internet. The 
| lawyer also said that individuals, such as 
| Facebook users or bloggers, using the 
| technologies for integrating, for example, 
| videos into their web pages or profiles, 
| have nothing to fear. Litigation against 
| such individuals doesn't make sense 
| economically, he added.



Patently Opaque

,----[ Quote ]
| What was in this lot of 22 patents that would
| specifically worry the Linux community? The OIN
| supplied The H with a list of the patents:
|    * Encoding a URL into the playback of a media file
|    (5987509, 6499057, 5774666, 6963906)
|    * Broadcasting video over distributed networks
|    (6005600, 6792468, 7448062)
|    * Launching a browser and sending it to a URL by
|    clicking an icon (5737560, 5877767, 6072491,
|    7032185)
|    * Launching applications through a movie (5745713)
|    * Colour space conversions (5946113, 6147772)
|    * Web page annotations (6081829, 6571295)
|    * Web publishing hypertext (5890170)
|    * Web publishing and editing with templates
|    (6026433)
|    * A Method for painting on a computer (5182548)
|    * Virtual Address Translation (6205531)
|    * Dynamically generating graphics for the web on the
|    server (6098092)
|    * Dynamic information clipping service (5649186)


The real patent threat: Not Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Hence, while the open-source world is up in arms about Microsoft's TomTom
| patent suit, it should be far more worried about news that Intellectual
| Ventures has grabbed another 500 patents through a deal with Telcordia
| Technologies, as TechFlash reports. Intellectual Ventures, arguably the
| world's largest patent troll, is set up to do nothing more than license its
| intellectual property, which it has done to the tune of hundreds of millions
| of dollars.


Intellectual Ventures adds to patent pile with new deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Intellectual Ventures is adding to its huge pile of patents. The
| Bellevue-based firm, founded by former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold, is
| today announcing a partnership with broadband company Telcordia Technologies,
| giving it access to more than 500 Telcordia patents. Intellectual Ventures
| has also pledged to fund Telcordia research and development.


Checking in on Nathan Myhrvold

,----[ Quote ]
| I'd suggest the business be called Intellectual Vultures' ... because that is
| exactly what Nathan is bringing to the table - nothing. This business model
| stifles and prevents creative idea, and is yet another made up securities
| model that preys on other people's legitimate hard work.
| When he was at Microsoft, he had zero practical ideas and I see he's still
| doing the same, only this time, he's screwing the whole public. This business
| is living on the backs of other people because they don't know how to spell
| the word âinnovation'. How about coming up with an original and useful idea
| and earn it the old fashion way?
| Nathan should be ashamed of this practice and he should be investigated by
| the FTC for predatory business practices.


Nathan Myhrvoldâs Patent Extortion Fund Is Reaping Hundreds Of Millions of

,----[ Quote ]
| Donât blame Nathan Myhrvold for taking advantage of the culture of rampant
| patent litigation in this country. He is only doing what large companies with
| vast patent portfolios such as IBM and Microsoft do on a daily basis: use the
| threat of patent infringement litigation to strike lucrative patent licensing
| deals. Except Myhrvold, who used to be Bill Gatesâ right-hand man at
| Microsoft during the 1990s, does it through his patent-gobbling fund,
| Intellectual Ventures.


Invention Capitalism & the Law: Checking in on Nathan Myhrvold

,----[ Quote ]
| Myhrvold told the WSJ that he acknowledges facing resistance from companies
| he targets for licenses. But his patent inventory gives him leverage to
| extract settlements without litigation. âI say, âI canât afford to sue you on
| all of these, and you canât afford to defend on all these,ââ he said.


Nathan Myhrvold: Alpha patent troll?

,----[ Quote ]
| Former Microsoft exec Nathan Myhrvold has been collecting patents, extracting
| fees from technology companies via his company Intellectual Ventures. Is
| Myhrvold a patent troll with tech cred?
| The Wall Street Journal has a long account of Myhrvoldâs patent collecting
| efforts and how he is winning multimillion dollar payments from the likes of
| Verizon and Cisco. These payments are top secret material, but Myhrvoldâs
| firm is the one reaping the rewards. Intellectual Ventures has more than
| 20,000 patents. In many respects, Myhrvold is just a patent trader. A few
| lawsuits could define him as a troll quickly though.


Tech Guru Riles the Industry

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the past few years, the former Microsoft Corp. executive has quietly
| amassed a trove of 20,000-plus patents and patent applications related to
| everything from lasers to computer chips. He now ranks among the world's
| largest patent-holders -- and is using that clout to press tech giants to
| sign some of the costliest patent-licensing deals ever negotiated.


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