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[News] A Look of Promise in New Linux/Android Phones, New SDK

  • Subject: [News] A Look of Promise in New Linux/Android Phones, New SDK
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 00:59:05 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Motorola Dext Android smartphone

,----[ Quote ]
| Indeed, the Dext has a gorgeous touchscreen, 
| a fine Qwerty keyboard, good browser plus a 
| reasonable camera and media players. User 
| friendly, it offers plenty of potential for 
| personalisation, along with growing range of 
| apps plus Motoblur's ability to keep you up 
| to the second with your social networks. 
| After the last few years of underwhelming 
| variations on a Razr theme, Motorola has 
| made a serious attempt to knock back the 
| doubters with the Dext and, in all honesty, 
| we're a little surprised that it has come up 
| with such a strong offering.


Android Apps Amping Up

,----[ Quote ]
| The red-hot smartphone sector is posed to 
| get even hotter as competition grows with 
| two signature releases due out in coming 
| days -- Verizon's Droid and BlackBerry 
| Storm2 -- along with new indications that 
| Android is making huge gains on the mobile 
| software front.


Google releases features and updates of its forthcoming Android 2.0 platform

,----[ Quote ]
| The open-source Google Android operating 
| system, which was introduced by the Open 
| Handset Alliance in November of 2007, will 
| have its successor Android 2.0 appear for 
| the first time on the Verizon's Motorola 
| Droid smartphone, reportedly to be released 
| on November 6, 2009.


Android completes jump to 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| It looks like Android 2.0 - also known as 
| Eclair for some reason - will allow users to 
| sync their devices to a number of different 
| contact sources, as well as allowing 
| something called âQuick Contact' to be 
| embedded within an application. The new 
| Bluetooth API is expected to facilitate 
| peer-to-peer activities like gaming.


Verizon Droid's Secret Weapon: Android 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Actually, Verizon did sort of put that on 
| the iDon't list, just not in those words. 
| The original iDon't list includes both 
| âiDon't allow open development' and âiDon't 
| customize', both of which imply that the 
| Droid does those things which means the 
| Droid provides a customizable, open 
| development platform that business customers 
| can work with.


Is Google Faking the Open-Source Funk?

,----[ Quote ]
| Some folks are claiming that Google is 
| faking the open-source funk by not being as 
| open as it could be about Android.



Moto Android 2.0 smartphone revealed

,----[ Quote ]
| Motorolaâs upcoming Android smartphone has
| finally been revealed in a set of front-and-back
| pictures published online.


Android based e-reader tips up

,----[ Quote ]
| SPRING DESIGN has taken the wraps off the Duet
| Navigator, a dual-screen e-book reader that runs
| the Android OS and offers both a text reader and
| a web browser.


Two Unexpected, Potential Scenarios for Android

,----[ Quote ]
| We've done a number of posts lately on the
| incredible momentum that the open source
| Android operating system has. It's being
| supported by nearly every major smartphone
| maker, with players such as Acer and Motorola
| putting huge bets behind it. Acer's new
| "Liquid" Android smartphone has the trendy
| Snapdragon chip from Qualcomm built in, a sign
| that the OS could boost the prospects of
| cutting-edge new processors.
| [...]
| Scenario 2: An Android Foundation? ZDNet asks
| the excellent question, "Should Google Spin
| Android Into a Foundation?" Foundations, such
| as the Apache Foundation, can have an
| enormously positive impact on open source
| platforms and applications. But ZDnet's Dana
| Blankenhorn points this out: "It doesnât
| always work. Witness LiMo, which Motorola
| recently abandoned for Android. Witness
| Moblin, which Intel gave to the Linux
| Foundation. Witness Symbian itself for that
| matter." He also points out that foundations
| lead to lots of forks, which raises the
| possibility of problems like the ones cited in
| scenario one above. Would an Android
| foundation necessarily be good? What do you
| think?


Acer reveals specs of Android smartphone

,----[ Quote ]
| Acer has disclosed more details about its
| upcoming Android-based Liquid smartphone, a
| thin device with a 3.5-inch touchscreen.



Marvell Joins Open Handset Alliance

,----[ Quote ]
| Marvell believes that this open platform will spark innovation and empower
| developers to create revolutionary applications and accelerate the delivery
| of those applications to mobile users," said Marty Schroeder, Vice President
| of Marvell's Cellular and Handheld Business Group.


ARM Announces Support for Open Handset Alliance

,----[ Quote ]
| ARM has been working with the open Android platform for some time and is
| committed to delivering a rich mobile experience based on the platform. As
| part of this relationship, ARM will contribute its ARMv6 and ARMv7
| architecture-based OpenMax DL libraries and insight on the ARM(R) CPU and ARK
| Mali(TM) GPU architectures to the Android Open Source Project


T-Mobile and Google cozy up with Android

,----[ Quote ]
| As for other carriers in the United States, Sprint joined the Open Handset
| Alliance from the outset and is a founding member. Verizon's CEO has been
| quoted as saying, "We're planning on using Android." Meanwhile, AT&T's CEO
| is "encouraged by the idea that an Android phone could host AT&T branded
| apps." That said, Verizon and AT&T have yet to make anything official,
| although nothing is stopping them from releasing Android-powered handsets in
| the future.

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