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[News] OpenOffice.org Future Bright with Oracle, Over 100,000,000 Downloads of 3.0

  • Subject: [News] OpenOffice.org Future Bright with Oracle, Over 100,000,000 Downloads of 3.0
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 07:51:15 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Oracle clarifies plans for Java tools and OpenOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenOffice's future as open source appears 
| to be assured; "After the transaction 
| closes, Oracle plans to continue developing 
| and supporting OpenOffice as open source". 
| Oracle plans to offer a commercial license 
| for OpenOffice for larger customers who 
| require support and enterprise tools.


New: OOo-DEV 3.x Developer Snapshot (build DEV300_m63) available 



,----[ Quote ]
| When looking at the download counter more 
| than 100.000.000 people downloaded 
| OpenOffice.org since version 3.0 was 
| released about a year ago. I think this is 
| something we need to celebrate next week at 
| the OpenOffice.org conference in Orvieto, 
| Italy.


OpenOffice project celebrates 100 million downloads since version 3.0

,----[ Quote ]
| The developers are currently working on new 
| features for version 3.2 of the office 
| suite, which is currently in beta and 
| expected to be available at the end of 
| November. The latest stable release of 
| OpenOffice is version 3.1.1. OpenOffice is 
| released under version 3 of the GNU Lesser 
| General Public License (LGPLv3).



List of features of OpenOffice.org 3.2

,----[ Quote ]
| As you could read with the last developer
| milestone ( DEV300m60) we reached the date to
| branch the code line for the OOo 3.2 release. The
| strings for translation were extracted from this
| milestone and were integrated into Pootle. Also
| the last features were integrated. So all teams
| can start to do their work to get released a full
| localized and stable build of OOo 3.2 at the end
| of November '09.


Security and Privacy Feature Improvements in upcoming OpenOffice.org 3.2

,----[ Quote ]
| Further improvements in OOo 3.2 and/or the ODF 1.2
| specification
| ODF 1.2 now allows for using different encryption
| algorithms, and all details about the algorithms used need
| to be documented in the manifest.xml (which is the reason
| that the manifest.xml itself can't be encrypted). These
| ODF enhancements have been submitted to the OASIS ODF TC,
| and OOo 3.2 already implements them. Please note that this
| only means OOo would put all needed information into
| manifest.xml. It doesn't mean that OOo would have new
| built-in encryption algorithms yet.


A sneak preview of new OpenOffice 3.2 part 1

,----[ Quote ]
| The last developer milestone ( DEV300m60)
| of OpenOffice.org has been released. The
| next version of OpenOffice.org 3.2 has more
| than 42 features and 167 enhancements . The
| final version is expected to be available
| at the end of November 2009.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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