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[News] More Opening of Data in Government, Education, Web

  • Subject: [News] More Opening of Data in Government, Education, Web
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 22:58:35 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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UK Will Urge EC To Legalise Mashups, Format-Shifting, Content Sharing

,----[ Quote ]
| It wants to âmove toward a pan-European 
| approach for copyright exceptions in the 
| digital ageâ, allowing more use of 
| copyrighted works - just one of a range of 
| measures that must be continental because 
| âthe UK cannot act independentlyâ.
| Lammy, speaking at the C&binet creative 
| industries gathering on Tuesday, put his 
| ambitions full-square in European 
| policymakersâ court.


Adobe is Bad for Open Government

,----[ Quote ]
| So next week, Adobe's having aconference 
| here to tell Federal employees why they 
| ought to be using "Adobe PDF, and Adobe 
| Flash technology" to make government more 
| open. They've spent what seems to be 
| millions of dollars wrapping buses in DC 
| with Adobe marketing materials all designed 
| to tell us how necessary Adobe products are 
| to Obama's Open Government Initiative. 
| They've even got a beautiful website set up 
| to tout the government's use of Flash and 
| PDF, and are holding a conference here next 
| week to talk about how Government should use 
| ubiquitous and secure technologies to make 
| government more open and interactive.


WHATWG puts HTML5 on the home straight

,----[ Quote ]
| From the WHATWG group's point of view, work 
| on HTML5 is almost complete. A blog entry 
| from project manager Ian Hickson states that 
| development has reached the 'last call' 
| stage. This applies to the "Web Workers" and 
| "Microdata vocabularies" standards. The FAQ 
| describes just two further stages in the 
| standardisation process before the standard 
| becomes widely deployed.


Call for Participation: Join the Open University Campaign!

,----[ Quote ]
| The Open University Campaign recognizes that 
| scholastic advancement occurs most readily 
| in an environment of sharing, openness and 
| collaboration. By providing a cross-index of 
| leading universities, the project will add 
| important comparative measurements to 
| encourage increased academic openness. Our 
| hope is that these resources will provide a 
| platform from which openness activists can 
| endeavor to improve the scholastic 
| environment.



Data.gov.uk Newspaper

,----[ Quote ]
| Weâve been thinking about the beta
| Data.gov.uk repository, and wanted to
| explore putting some of the information
| contained within into peopleâs hands in a
| form that is accessible, timely, and relevant.


OpenStreetMapS.org now owned by OSMF

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to some great work by Grant Slater and Andy
| Robinson all those people who mistake openstreetmap
| for openstreetmaps will now get directed to the
| right place.

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