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[News] Mozilla to Apply Major Changes to Firefox

  • Subject: [News] Mozilla to Apply Major Changes to Firefox
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 03:00:22 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Mozilla plans major Firefox interface overhaul

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla plans to overhaul the look and feel 
| of Firefox for Windows, a redesign that will 
| resemble Google's Chrome in several key 
| elements, according to screenshots and 
| discussions on the open-source developer's 
| Web site.


Mozilla plots Firefox interface overhaul


Mozilla: Firefox 3.6 won't be late

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla may have released the first beta of 
| Firefox 3.6 nearly two months late, but the 
| organization believes the final version 
| still will arrive on schedule before the end 
| of the year.
| The Mozilla wiki page on version 3.6, code-
| named Namoroka, listed early September for 
| the scheduled release of the first beta, but 
| it actually arrived October 30. Despite 
| that, Mike Shaver, vice president of 
| engineering, said Mozilla wants to release 
| the browser before the holidays and is 
| sticking by the overall schedule for the 
| open-source Web browser. 


The 10 dumbest Firefox add-ons ever

,----[ Quote ]
| Firefox is one of the towering achievements 
| of the open-source movement, accounting for 
| almost a quarter of all Web site visits just 
| five years after its launch. One of the 
| reasons for its enormous popularity is that 
| it can be easily customised with a range of 
| add-ons -- from download accelerators to 
| funky themes, they make your browsing 
| experience faster, slicker or just better 
| looking. The official Mozilla Firefox add-
| ons site now lists over 10,000 extensions 
| for download.



Firefox 3.6 beta promises speed injection

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla pushed out a first beta version of
| Firefox 3.6 on Friday, ahead of a planned
| release by the end of the year.
| The delayed release promises improved
| JavaScript performance and faster load-up,
| addressing a sluggish start problem that
| has become an issue with recent builds of
| the open source browser. Firefox 3.6 will
| also be easier to customise as well as
| introducing the ability to natively display
| video in a full screen display.


Mozilla releases Firefox 3.6 Beta 1

,----[ Quote ]
| Following several delays, Mozilla has
| officially announced the availability of
| the first beta for version 3.6 of its open
| source Firefox web browser, code-named
| Namoroka. The development release is based
| on version 1.9.2 of the Gecko web rendering
| engine and includes a number of updates.


Mozilla unveils first Firefox 3.6 beta

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla late on Friday released the first
| beta of Firefox 3.6, a minor upgrade slated
| to wrap up later this year.


Opera Skin For Firefox

,----[ Quote ]
| Version 3.6 of the Firefox web browser
| introduces several new design options for
| theme creators that are not available in
| previous versions of the Internet browser
| including the latest official release
| version Firefox 3.5.4. One of the first
| themes to make use of this new features is
| the Operetta theme which is available as an
| experimental theme from the official
| Mozilla Firefox website.


What does your browser say about you? (2009 edition)

,----[ Quote ]
| Long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far
| away I posted the infamous article titled
| âWhat does your browser say about you?â. It
| got like 400 comments, got me on Digg,
| Reddit and crashed my server at least
| twice. Every once in a while I still get
| comments on it but these days they are
| mostly among the lines of:
| âDude, Firefox 2.0 is ancient! What about
| Chrome and IE8?â


Web Open Font Format backed by Mozilla, type foundries

,----[ Quote ]
| Type designers and Web designers have
| reached a consensus on a format
| specification for embedding fonts on the
| Web. Mozilla is already including support
| for the font format in Firefox 3.6, and
| wide adoption could come sooner than many
| expected.


Firefox 3.6 Beta 1 review

,----[ Quote ]
| Native videos now have a full screen
| option: right click on a video and select
| Full screen. On related news, a new full
| screen button is now available to add to
| the toolbars.


Mozilla's messaging story gains credibility

,----[ Quote ]
| Corporate America hasn't done much with
| Mozilla's Thunderbird, a competitor to
| Microsoft Outlook. Europe, however, has
| given it a warm reception. For example,
| the French tax authority recently selected
| Thunderbird to power 130,000 of its
| personal computers, replacing IBM Lotus
| Notes and Microsoft Outlook.


Firefox 3.6 Learns WOFF

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla has made itself into the draft horse
| for a new font format for the Web that some of
| its developers and independent font designers
| are currently hatching. Firefox 3.6 should be
| the first to support the new Web Open Font
| Format (WOFF).


Firefox 3.6 Will Only Like Java 6 Update 10+


Mozilla pushes for fast move to Firefox 3.6

,----[ Quote ]
| Mozilla hopes to classify the upcoming Firefox
| 3.6 as a minor update, a move that may sound
| inconsequential but that in fact might have
| significant repercussions with Firefox users
| and the speed the open-source browser is
| developed.


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