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[News] French Television Goes with Libre CMS, Drupal

  • Subject: [News] French Television Goes with Libre CMS, Drupal
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 09:27:20 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

France 24 migrates to Drupal 6, codebase to be open-sourced

,----[ Quote ]
| France 24 is a public 24/7 international 
| news channel broadcast in three languages: 
| French, English and Arabic. Its mission is 
| to cover international current events from 
| a French perspective and to convey French 
| values throughout the world. The channel 
| provides keys to understanding complex 
| events through in-depth analysis. France 24 
| also puts culture at the forefront of its 
| programming. France24 is part of the AEF 
| (the "Audiovisuel ExtÃrieur de la France" 
| or French foreign media), along with RFI (a 
| radio station) and TV5 (a TV station).


Molding a career in Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Baheyeldin began by contrasting the 
| different development models in the Open 
| Source and commercial worlds. Obviously, 
| the Open Source world can be faster and 
| more agile. He also offered another 
| contrast â with Open Source, everyone wins: 
| the customer, the consultant, and the 
| community.



Should the White House Contribute to the Open Source Community?

,----[ Quote ]
| While this measure may not be an immediate
| cost-saver (5 different companies are
| involved in re-building and maintaining the
| White House web site), long-term costs
| should fall as government agencies are able
| to borrow from the greater Drupal community
| while incrementally improving on the
| websites code. But the question remains,
| will the Obama White House share some of the
| contributions itâs making to open source?


White House web site goes open source


White House opens Web site programming to public

,----[ Quote ]
| White House officials described the change
| as similar to rebuilding the foundation of a
| building without changing the street-level
| appearance of the facade. It was expected to
| make the White House site more secure â and
| the same could be true for other
| administration sites in the future.


Uncle Samâs open source fair shake makes it official

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