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[News] People Love Mandriva 2010, New Walkthrough

  • Subject: [News] People Love Mandriva 2010, New Walkthrough
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2009 18:28:41 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Mandriva Linux 2010 â Very Impressive

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva, in my opinion, has the best KDE 
| implementation around. They proved it once 
| again with this release. The KDE edition is 
| just awesome. I have not looked at the 
| GNOME edition yet. Having used Mandrivaâs 
| GNOME edition for the past year and a half, 
| I think that would be just as great. I am 
| anyway giving it a spin in the coming days. 
| I would definitely recommend Mandriva 2010 
| to any one who wants to get started with 
| Linux or try out a great distribution.


Mandriva 2010 Final Perfect Window Killer

,----[ Quote ]
| For beginner to expert it is the excellent 
| distro, a perfect window killer and better 
| then Windows any version whether its 
| XP,Vista or 7. So what you are looking for 
| try once and forget everything.  


Mandriva 2010 installation walk through



Quick Review: Mandriva 2010 â Impressive

,----[ Quote ]
| Altogether Mandriva seems to have a good
| interface and a lot going for it beneath
| the surface.  Perhaps the only annoying
| part about it is it has a very commercial
| feel and comes with links on the desktop
| offering Mandriva products.


Mandriva Linux 2010 Review and Commentary

,----[ Quote ]
| Exploring further, we see the control
| center has seen some changes and has a nice
| clean new layout. Another one of Mandriva's
| strong suits is there control center and
| it's integrated applications. All work very
| well and make for a nice overall experience
| for the end user. We quite like the layout
| and the organization they've put into this
| release.


Mandriva Linux 2010.0 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva 2010.0, or "Adelie" if you prefer
| to use its codename, promises to be
| snappier than previous versions, including
| faster boot times. It's built around the
| Linux 2.6.31 kernel, which means improved
| hardware support as well, and the feature-
| list unrolls from there.


Mandriva 2010 packs a punch

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the more interesting features of
| Mandriva 2010, albeit early days, is the
| focus on what is being called the "task-
| orientated desktop". Mandriva 2010 includes
| several Nepomuk services which help users
| to manage tasks across all applications.
| Using the task widget and the Tasktop
| application users can group items - such as
| emails, notes, web pages and so on -
| together around specific tasks.


Mandriva 2010 Screen Shots


Mandriva 2010.0 is out!!

,----[ Quote ]
| Iâm very pleased to say that Mandriva 2010 is
| now out! Checkout Whatâs New! Also see the
| Release Notes and Errata.
| Myself and the rest of the Mandriva Developers and Contributors have put in a lot of work this
| time round. Iâm pretty happy with the
| PulseAudio->Phonon integration work I did for
| KDE which builds on our previous approaches
| which were not quite as functional
| (although did at least hide potential
| configuration problems from users unlike on
| some distros! (for which the usual
| âsolutionâ was a urpme/yum remove/apt-
| remove pulseaudio rather than actually
| finding the real cause!)

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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