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[News] OLPC Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Reach More Destinations

  • Subject: [News] OLPC Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Reach More Destinations
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 17:23:09 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Nepal sets example with school laptops

,----[ Quote ]
| KATHMANDU, Nov 9: Nearly 2,000 children in 
| 26 schools across six districts are 
| currently using computers with internet 
| access as part of non-governmental 
| organization Open Learning Exchange (OLE) 
| NepalÂs collaborative initiative with the 
| Ministry of Education (MOE) to transform 
| education through technology.


Over 1.1 Million Sugar Activities in the Wild!

,----[ Quote ]
| In the New York Times article Nonprofit 
| Laptops: A Dream Not Yet Over, we are 
| teased with the suggestion that next month 
| we'll have the OLPC 1.5 in production, 
| with double the speed and four times more 
| memory than the XO-1.



OLPC switching to ARM, plans paper thin netbook

,----[ Quote ]
| One Laptop per Child chairman Nicholas
| Negroponte told Xconomy that OLPC is
| prepping an ARM-based version 1.75 of its
| XO netbook while planning to release a
| "paper-thin" version 3.0 in 2012.
| Meanwhile, the Internet Archive is
| providing OLPC users with 1.6 million e-
| books, says the nonprofit organization.


BoomingBang: XO Laptop Role Playing Game

,----[ Quote ]
| BoomingBang, a RPG game, whose release is
| due till late OCTOBER 09. The BoomingBang
| project, started by me, Abhishek Indoria,
| initially, and a friend, was a small
| deployment. It was started in March 2009,
| when none of them (us, actually) have heard
| of OLPC. Back again, in June, 2 XO laptops
| were requested, and the project was started
| officially.


Negroponte: XO-1.75 goes ARM, XO-2 is canceled

,----[ Quote ]
| An ARM based XO-1.75 on the other hand is much
| more of an evolutionary rather than a
| revolutionary step into the future. So many
| people, especially a certain Charbax, had long
| expected OLPC to move from an x86 to an ARM
| design.


Three reasons Microsoft shouldn't port Windows to the ARM processor

,----[ Quote ]
| Without a version of Windows tailored for ARM netbooks, Linux-based platforms
| such as Google Inc.'s Android mobile operating system could thrive and turn
| the search and Web services company into "more of a competitor in the desktop
| operating system business than we ever have before," admitted Microsoft CEO
| Steve Ballmer to Wall Street last month.


OLPC Set to Dump X86 for Arm Chips in XO-2

,----[ Quote ]
| [T]he Arm chip could lead to problems for XO-2 in trying to load a full
| version of Windows, Negroponte said. As with the XO-1, OLPC wants to offer a
| dual-boot option on XO-2 where users can choose to load either Linux or a
| full Windows OS. While Arm processors can run Windows Mobile operating
| systems, they can't run a full Windows OS.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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