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[News] "Astounded" by Desktop GNU/Linux After Windows Failure

  • Subject: [News] "Astounded" by Desktop GNU/Linux After Windows Failure
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 01:49:11 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Are You Getting Sick Of Microsoft Windows?  Itâs Time To Give Ubuntu Linux A Whirl

,----[ Quote ]
| About 18 months ago, I had another 
| disastrous crash on my PC that caused me to 
| lose a host of photos, music and documents. 
| Luckily I had a backup of most of my 
| documents on an external disk. So I wasnât 
| too concerned by this. I had experienced 
| many crashes on Windows before and usually 
| I was able to recover most of my documents 
| and restore the system back to normal 
| without too much effort.
| This time was different however and to my 
| horror, I discovered that Windows had 
| somehow corrupted my external disk as well. 
| I had lost everything and was pretty angry 
| about it.
| I tried a number of data recovery programs 
| but most of the files wore gone. Forever. 
| What a disaster! At that point I decided 
| that I would look for another alternative 
| to windows and I thought I would give Linux 
| another try.
| [...]
| I was astounded!
| Within 10 minutes my computer was running 
| Ubuntu Linux without even having to install 
| it! This was a âLive-CDâ and it can be used 
| without installing to hard disk â it can be 
| run from a cd without affecting your 
| computer at all.


Good Karma

,----[ Quote ]
| Installing Ubuntu 9.10 from the CD took me 
| about 40 minutes on a desktop PC. Unlike 
| the previous release (Jaunty Jackalope), 
| Karmic didnât keep me waiting interminably 
| for an online update. A âskipâ button 
| enables you to bypass some processes that 
| access the Internet to speed up 
| installation.
| Boot time was a slight improvement over my 
| previous Jaunty setup, taking about 40 
| seconds to get to the log-on screen. On the 
| initial boot, the audio volume was set all 
| the way down to zero, making me think for a 
| moment that I had lost sound. Pushing the 
| volume slider up confirmed this was not so.


How to avoid getting inadvertedly sandwiched

,----[ Quote ]
| People do not necessarily behave honestly 
| because they want to, but because their 
| environment is keeping them honest. In 
| order to keep the hardware vendors honest, 
| it is necessary to implement anti-sandwich 
| measures.
| Otherwise, the temptation will remain, to 
| quickly boost quarterly revenues by 
| triggering secret deals with the OS vendor 
| which will paper-weight your investments.
| Murphy's law is adamant in that respect: If 
| the hardware vendor can sandwich you, he 
| eventually will.
| For the purpose of keeping hardware vendors 
| honest, it would be a good thing if the 
| linux community maintained an anti-sandwich 
| list of all hardware devices that are red-
| flagged as sandwiching tools, so that 
| Windows users can protect themselves.



Commercial Games In Linux...

,----[ Quote ]
| So Iâve decided to compile a list of non-free games for Linux. These are just 
| a few that I have personally came across, and in no particular order, are 
| just here to prove that there is a small, but growing market for Linux games.  

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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