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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Osla Seems to be Dying

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Osla Seems to be Dying
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 16:11:08 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft whittles away at Oslo; now plans to fold it into SQL Server

,----[ Quote ]
| Tomas Restrepo: Cynical thought of the day: Oslo == 
| Longhorn. OK, couldâve been worse (i.e. Cairo).
| James Hart: Any expectations anybody had for what 
| Oslo might turn out to be came from their own 
| imagination. Disappointment was inevitable.
| Ryan Rinaldi: The Oslo story just got more 
| confusing.
| Steve Bohlen: good lord; Oslo follows in the 
| footsteps of WinFS; big (if nebulous) idea 
| degenerates into dull implementation w dubious 
| value



Microsoft Axes Office Accounting Software

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft quietly announced Friday that it
| plans to kill off its Office Accounting
| products, beginning Nov. 16.
| "After evaluating the product over the past
| few years, we have determined that other
| Microsoft offerings, such as free templates in
| the Office system used with Excel and the
| Dynamics product, are able to meet our
| customers' needs," a Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT)
| spokesperson said in an e-mailed statement.


Microsoft Office Accounting dies on November 16, 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is killing off its whole Office
| Accounting product line on November 16, 2009.


Microsoft Kills Dynamics Mobile

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft on Thursday said it has discontinued the mobile
| versions of its Dynamics ERP (enterprise resource planning)
| products.


Microsoft kills Dynamics Mobile


Risk in office blogs

,----[ Quote ]
| Mini Microsoft, the anonymous blogger widely believed to be
| a well-informed employee working at the software companyâs
| Redmond headquarters, heavily criticised this yearâs
| Microsoft annual employee meeting. He gave a two-zero
| rating to Steve Ballmer, Microsoftâs chief executive, and
| described Stephen Elop, head of Microsoftâs business
| division, as âsuck[ing] the life out of the entire
| stadiumâ.


Microsoft to halt Live Framework CTP on Sept. 8

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft on Sept. 8 plans to discontinue its Live Framework Community
| Technology Preview for developers, instead integrating the framework into the
| next release of the company's Windows Live online services.


No vertically-focused Microsoft Office on the docket (for now)

,----[ Quote ]
| For now, the answer is no. A Microsoft Office spokesperson whom I contacted
| this week said Microsoft is not building an Office for Advertising SKU.


TrueSpace story ending

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft took over Caligari TrueSpace earlier last year and later released
| the software as freeware. They have now decided to discontinue TrueSpace -
| the first services will be disabled by tomorrow. This is a truly sad day for
| their loyal user base.


Yahoo Answers wins: Microsoft to kill QnA on May 21

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's QnA website has had a very shaky development, never quite
| becoming good enough to lose the beta tag, and never quite becoming popular
| enough for its company to give it the attention it really required. Finally,
| the long road for QnA is coming to a dead end. On the Live QnA Team Blog this
| week, Microsoft announced that it would be discontinuing its QnA service.


Microsoft retreats to familiar BI ground

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has surprised the market by announcing its intention to stop
| selling PerformancePoint Server as a standalone product, just 17 months after
| its original launch.


Microsoft to ditch MSN Groups?

,----[ Quot ]
| An e-mail snafu has led to the leak of Microsoft's decision to shutter its
| MSN Groups service, according to LiveSide.net.


Windows Live Expo set to expire next month

,----[ Quote~ ]
| Chalk one point up to Craigslist: Microsoft has decided to shut down Windows
| Live Expo, the classifieds service that it originally launched in February
| 2006.


Windows Live Expo set to expire next month

,----[ Quote~ ]
| Chalk one point up to Craigslist: Microsoft has decided to shut down Windows
| Live Expo, the classifieds service that it originally launched in February
| 2006.



Microsoft Burns Down Book Search

,----[ Quote ]
| Citing poor demand, Microsoft will back away from scanning and indexing books
| and academic works for Live Search


EFF: Microsoft betrayed MSN Music customers

,----[ Quote ]
| The Electronic Frontier Foundation says that Microsoft has "betrayed" MSN
| Music customers and wants the company to make things right by issuing an
| apology, refunds, and eliminate digital rights management technology from the
| Zune music player.


Microsoft Closing Live Search Books and Academic Projects

,----[ Quote ]
| What do you think about Microsoft's move to end their Live Search Books and
| Academic Projects?


Microsoft continues paring back the Windows Live family

,----[ Quote ]
| But the future of services outside of the core Windows Live group seems
| uncertain. I had been hearing talk for the past few months that Microsoft was
| readying a new consumer service for public safety. The alleged service,
| according to sources, was designed to help individuals locate friends and
| family members during a crisis or catastrophe. (I heard Microsoft might be
| eveloping a similar service aimed at enterprises, too.) Given that the
| Windows Live team seems more focused on paring down than building out the
| Live stable of services, Iâm wondering whether this one will ever see the
| light of day.


Is Windows Live dying?

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the last year, Microsoft's Windows Live service lineup has
| grown exponentially. At one point months ago, it seemed clear
| that every service Microsoft brought online would fall under the
| Live brand, but lately the trend seems to be moving slowly in
| the opposite direction. What's happening to Windows Live?


Windows Live Shopping no more - MSN Shopping to remain

,----[ Quote ]
| From today Windows Live Shopping beta will be taken offline, with users
| being sent to MSN Shopping, available at shopping.msn.com.


Sources: Several Windows Live Projects Halted

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's Windows Live desktop search project has been
| shelved "indefinitely," although not much reasoning has been
| given as to the reason for its demise.


Microsoft Office Live migration is adding insult to injury

,----[ Quote ]
| On January 29, Microsoft posted to the Office Live blog a status update
| re: the migration. The news isn't good.
| Office Live logoBeta testers are still potentially "months" away fromb
| eing migrated to the final version of their Office Live services.
| Functionality like backup and restore isn't going to work until
| their accounts are migrated. And Microsoft will give testers only
| a 24-hour heads-up when they are set to be migrated. During that
| 24-hour period, users won't be able to make changes to their
| Office Live sites.


Office Live: Better Off Dead?

,----[ Quote ]
| Last month I killed Office Live in an act of self defense, after
| repeated access problems and attempts to move my domain to another
| registrar. Judging from the comments to that post, there's an Office
| Live killing spree going on. Not surprisingly, Microsoft wants to put
| an end to the wanton killing.


Microsoft profit on slide

,----[ Quote ]
| Some analysts are looking for any signs of improvement from
| Microsoft's internet division, which continues to lose market
| share in web search to Google.
| Microsoft's online services group saw revenue fall for the last
| four quarters and posted a loss in the past three quarters while
| it shifted to a new internet advertising platform and overhauled
| the company's web properties.


Not all Microsoft 'Lives' are created equal

,----[ Quote ]
| Is it time for a Microsoft-wide purge of the "Live" brand? If you look
| at the myriad, incongruous ways that Microsoft is using "Live" across
| its various product divisions, you might say yes.

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