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[News] Murdoch's Empire of Lies Goes on a Censorship Tour

  • Subject: [News] Murdoch's Empire of Lies Goes on a Censorship Tour
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 02:59:34 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Fox News Declares Cyberwar on Liberal Blogosphere

,----[ Quote ]
| How do you annoy the maximum number of 
| Liberal blogs with minimal effort? If 
| you're Fox News, all you have to do is shut 
| down the YouTube channel that supplies them 
| with infuriating O'Reilly Factor clips. 
| They did this today!
| Spend even a few minutes on a politically-
| inclined blog that leans to the left, and 
| you'll spot the little red-and-white 
| "News1News" logo (above) attached to the 
| upper-left corner a YouTube clip, usually 
| of Glenn Beck ranting hilariously or 
| otherwise being horrible. News1News 
| specializes in capturing and uploading Fox 
| bloviator's most outrageous statements for 
| all of eternity. And each day, we bloggersâ
| from the Huffington Post, Mediaite, 
| Truthdig, Gawker, etc.âplucked newsworthy 
| clips from News1News' Youtube channel, 
| surrounded them with our words, and put 
| them on our sites. (In fact, Mediaite's 
| feature "Your Moment of Glenn" is all 
| News1News clips.) From all this blog love, 
| News1News videos had more than 20 million 
| cumulative views by the time it was shut 
| down. It was the simple, convenient way to 
| stoke Liberal ire!


Consent will be required for cookies in Europe

,----[ Quote ]
| A law that demands consent to internet 
| cookies has been approved and will be in 
| force across the EU within 18 months. It is 
| so breathtakingly stupid that the normally 
| law-abiding business may be tempted to bend 
| the rules to breaking point.



Glenn Beck Not Allowed To Rape And Murder An Internet Meme

,----[ Quote ]
| Back in September, we wrote about Glenn
| Beck's misguided attempt to gain control
| over the domain name used as part of an
| internet meme that is critical of Glenn
| Beck,
| GlennBeckRapedAndMurderedAYoungGirlIn1990.com
| (it's a dead site now, keep reading). If
| you're unfamiliar with the meme, it's
| mocking a favorite tactic of various cable
| news talk show hosts, to "ask questions"
| that are accusatory in nature, whether or
| not there's any substance to back them up.
| Glenn Beck didn't accuse the site of
| defamation or anything, but filed a domain
| name complaint, saying that it violated his
| trademark.


Glenn Beck Not Allowed To Rape And Murder An Internet Meme

,----[ Quote ]
| Back in September, we wrote about Glenn
| Beck's misguided attempt to gain control
| over the domain name used as part of an
| internet meme that is critical of Glenn
| Beck,
| GlennBeckRapedAndMurderedAYoungGirlIn1990.com
| (it's a dead site now, keep reading). If
| you're unfamiliar with the meme, it's
| mocking a favorite tactic of various cable
| news talk show hosts, to "ask questions"
| that are accusatory in nature, whether or
| not there's any substance to back them up.
| Glenn Beck didn't accuse the site of
| defamation or anything, but filed a domain
| name complaint, saying that it violated his
| trademark.

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