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[News] Openness Grows in Norway and German Authorities

  • Subject: [News] Openness Grows in Norway and German Authorities
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 01:51:29 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Norwegian mapping authority frees up maps

,----[ Quote ]
| Oh, those crazy Norwegians. Theyâre giving 
| away maps for free. Within limits â itâs 
| limited to âindividuals and non-profit 
| associationsâ. So thatâs half a step towards 
| free data.
| Interesting that this is also including 
| maritime information â the stuff that the UK 
| Hydrographic Office sort-of provides; itâs 
| rumoured to be on the list for 
| privatisation, however.


German petition takes Open Access movement by surprise

,----[ Quote ]
| RP: How does the petition process work: As I 
| understand it if you get 50,000 signatures 
| by December 22nd it gets debated in the 
| German Parliament? Is that right?
| LF: The goal is to get as many signatures as 
| possible. The Bundestag FAQ says that if 
| 50,000 signatures are reached within three 
| weeks, the petition will be discussed 
| publicly in the Bundestag Petition 
| Committee, in a session where I'm entitled 
| to take part. But even if fewer people sign, 
| every accepted petition will be reviewed by 
| two members of the Committee, so every vote 
| counts.



NO: Open standards adopted in the central and local government

,----[ Quote ]
| On 25 September 2009 the Norwegian Government
| adopted a new regulation on mandatory IT
| standards applicable to the entire public
| sector. As of 1 January 2010 open document
| standards will become mandatory for all public
| websites.
| As the Minister of Government Administration
| and Reform, Heidi Grande RÃys, stated, the new
| regulation ensures equal accessibility to the
| content of all public and communal websites.
| Users of any municipality or state will be able
| to visit the websites and read the documents
| regardless the type of software and computer
| equipment they use. It is a democratic right
| for all citizens to have equal access to public
| information and online services.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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