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Re: COLA Stats: Saturday the 21st of November, 2009.

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____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Saturday 21 Nov 2009 12:25 : \____

> Homer pulled this Usenet boner:
>> In honour of the Trolls (supposed) one month vacation,
>> and in mourning of Fedora 12 "Zero Security" Edition,
>> This weeks stats are completely unfiltered.
>> Toplist of Posters
>>  Pos  Poster                                          Msgs   Bytes Quoted
>>    2. flatfish [nyms] - Mental-Ward Escapee            222  275262    77%
>>    3. snit - Ridiculous MAC Troll                      182  250688    70%
>>    4. Hardon Quirk - Imbecile                          175  231419    77%
>>    6. The Bee [nyms] - World Class Fsckwit              94   72414    73%
>>    7. Scott [Nudds] Douglas [nyms] - Looney Troll       91  125691    61%
>>    8. DooFy - Money-Obsessed Goon                       79   66552    35%
>>   15. Timmy 'Funkenbusch Wannabee' Smith                55   44658    30%
>>   16. cc - Shifty MS Apologist                          51   75516    68%
>>       Clogwog - Looney Troll                            23   23989    64%
>>   25. Ray Dopez - Spastic                               20   22578    25%
> Quite a crew.

...at pre-xmas Slog Camp, West Virginia.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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