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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Shows That Its Corruption Paid off in France

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Shows That Its Corruption Paid off in France
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 09:38:30 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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FR: Advocacy group protests government's approving of OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| April, a French free and open source 
| software advocacy group, is protesting the 
| French government's approval of Microsoft's 
| OOXML as a government document standard, 
| alongside the open document format ODF.
| France on 11 November published its 
| RÃfÃrentiel GÃnÃral d'InteropÃratibilità 
| (General interoperability framework for 
| public administrations and local 
| governments, RGI). To allow public 
| administrators to exchange documents 
| without trouble, the RGI recommends they 
| use an ISO-approved document format based 
| on XML. "Two such office formats coexist 
| today, ODF (Open Document Format) and OOXML 
| (Office Open XML)."


"There is such an overvaluation of technology stocks that it is absurd. I would
include our stock in that category. It is bad for the long-term worth of the
                                --Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO


The AFNOR Affair: Interview with  FrÃdÃric Couchet, Ex. Dir. APRIL, on OOXML in

,----[ Quote ]
| FrÃdÃric Couchet: ISO standards were traditionally the result of compromise 
| between competing players. With OOXML, Microsoft obtained a standard which 
| none of its competitors had adopted. The first ISO standard in this area, 
| Open Document Architecture (ODA, ISO 8613) was never applied. The second 
| standard, OpenDocument Format (ODF, ISO/IEC 26300), was applied but never 
| accepted by Microsoft. The third standard, OOXML (ISO/IEC 29500), can help 
| Microsoft commercially with governments but brings nothing to the market in 
| terms of convergence between competing software products, and thus has no  
| added value as a standard.       


New OOXML Scandal - A Leaked Email Surfaces in France 

,----[ Quote ]
| Le Monde Informatique and LeMagIT are reporting on a leaked email from Marc 
| Meyer of the French government agency, DGME, which urges that OOXML be 
| quickly added to the official list of formats that can be used by government 
| entities, a document titled RGI, and then the finalized v1.0 of RGI be 
| quickly published, in effect locking in OOXML, before the appeals process is 
| completed. The email and the media reports indicate that the RGI was put on a 
| back burner last October, when ODF was already on the list, and now, 
| immediately after OOXML is approved, albeit controversially, by ISO but 
| before the appeals process is complete, not to mention the format, Meyer 
| urges it quickly be added to the list of acceptable formats, hence making it 
| hard to remove OOXML from the list later, as a fait accompli.          
| Worse, the email indicates that work on the document was brought to a crawl 
| to wait for ISO approval of OOXML. ODF was already on the list when work on 
| RGI was brought to a standstill last October. There were suspicions that the 
| slowdown was deliberate, and the email is giving legs to those suspicions.   
| It seems that politics has reared its ugly head, and just as happened in 
| Masschusetts, questions are now being asked about behind-the-scenes Microsoft 
| pressure.   


Sarkozy intervenes in France to revert the OOXML position

,----[ Quote ]
| Confidential sources say that President Sarkozy has intervened himself in the 
| French position on Microsoft OOXML, asking members of the committee to revert 
| their position, and support an abstention. Our sources say he was approached 
| by a lobbyist during his 3-days trip in England. The intervention has been 
| made on Friday.    


The France Shift From No to Abstain -- HP helped Microsoft France do it

,----[ Quote
| Here's the scoop from Les Echos.fr on France's sudden change from its No vote 
| to Abstain. Microsoft France's President Eric Boustouller sent AFNOR a  
| letter [PDF] in French, of course. He tells a tale about OOXML and ODF 
| progressing side by side and how if OOXML is approved, a group will be 
| working hard to make the two more interoperable. Attached was a an HP 
| statement of support for OOXML. HP sings the same song. And AFNOR?     
| [...]
| Could it be any more cynical? So, now we know that HP is not supportive of 
| Linux and FOSS as we thought. Knock me over with a feather. So, they got them 
| to change on the basis of promises for the future. I'm sure there's more to 
| the story, of course.   


Can AFNOR really change the OOXML vote to "abstain"?

,----[ Quote ]
| Having participated within the responsible technical committee of the Swiss 
| Association for Standardization and considering the decision-making process 
| that has been used to be unsatisfactory, I find it interesting to look at how 
| things have been handled in other countries, in order to see what can be 
| learned from that. I plan to focus my attention in this regard on countries 
| where the primary language is German, English or French, so that I will be 
| able to understand any relevant documents which might become available to the 
| public or personally to me.       


Microsoft's ISO win may worsen its antitrust woes

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft may have won a year-long quest to make its OOXML (Office Open XML) 
| document format an ISO-recognized international standard, but claims of foul 
| play in the voting process may come back to haunt the software giant when the 
| European Commission concludes its latest antitrust investigation of 
| Microsoft's business practices.    


France: "Non, avec des commentaires!"

,----[ Quote ]
| Apparently, the French discussion on OOXML broke into something resembling a 
| bar-fight. 
| [...]
| Matters soon got out of hand: the shouting seems to have climaxed with the 
| Microsoft representative insulting the management of AFNOR, members of the 
| Defense Ministry, the Justice Ministry, the Interior Ministry, and two 
| members from the Industrial Ministry exclaiming that they were servants of a 
| banana republic!    


For the skeptical, the final proof: The OpenXML wasnât (and isnât) ready

,----[ Quote ]
| The document N1101/N1168 contains for example, several items in which they
| recognize that there are decisions made in the BRM (BRM resolutions) which
| were not incorporated into the final published text of the standard. In other
| words, even taking almost a year after the aproval of the standard to publish
| the text (yes, approved without reading), there wasnât time/attention or
| anything else necessary to assure that the changes were published in the text
| (most of those changes, âconditionedâ the approval). What makes me much more
| angry about this is that during the BRM I asked about who would be
| responsible for verifying that all these changes would be part of the final
| text and the answer was ITTF (kind of joint ISO/IEC secretariat). When I
| asked if the ITTF would really make this work, I received as a reply the
| intimidating: âYou are doubting the ITTF, kid ?ââ
| [...]
| I saved the best for the end: document N1187. This one says that OpenXML âas
| isâ contains unintentional errors that may prevent existing documents to be
| fully represented in this new format.  It is amazing because the legacy
| support was alleged as  the main reason for OpenXML development and approval
| at ISO, and also the reason why several countries supported the development
| and approval of the standard. In this document, they also explain the
| criteria that will be used to specify the changes that will be developed, so
| that they can do it all really quickly (in other words, they go trough the b
| reaches of the JTC1 directives to get these changes incorporated into
| standard already approved without making much noise about it).
| Unfortunately I can not put all these documents here, to allow access trough
| the blog, because they should be restricted SC34 documents (yep, zero
| transparency), but I believe that sooner or later they will be published
| somewhere (and of course, NB members should already received those).


South Africa Files Official Appeal Re OOXML - OOXML in Limbo Now

,----[ Quote ]
| I wonder if this is why Microsoft suddenly decided to support ODF, to avoid
| being shut out completely pending the appeal. Might other national bodies be
| considering doing the same thing? Stay tuned.
| [...]
| So. OOXML is not currently an official standard? I think that is what this
| means. It will take months, at least, I believe, to resolve this. So, to me
| the ODF support announcement by Microsoft yesterday suddenly makes sense. I
| wrote a bit about the appeal process here, if you want to review it. In the
| immortal words of Yogi Berra, it ain't over till it's over.


Has OOXML Broken the British Standards Institution?

,----[ Quote ]
| That the BSI, long the quintessence of standards in this country, should see
| itself dragged through the courts over something as apparently minor as a
| document standard, is truly an extraordinary development. But of course it is
| not a minor issue: at stake is the question of how something as central to
| technology and business as standards should be decided. Unless people have
| complete confidence in the process, the end-result will be deemed worthless â
| truly, little more than a ârubber-stampingâ.
| A good start along the road of bolstering confidence would be making the
| standards-setting process completely open, which currently it is not. The
| practice of voting on an open standard behind closed doors borders is simply
| not justifiable in the age of the Internet and of increasing openness in
| general. And as the UK government loves to remind us: if you have nothing to
| hide, you have nothing to fear....


UK standards body taken to court over OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| The British Standards Institution has been taken to court by a group of Unix
| users in an attempt to get the standards body to recant its approval of
| Microsoft's Office Open XML document format.
| The UK Unix & Open Systems User Group (UKUUG) said on Thursday that the
| British Standards Institution's (BSI's) controversial decision to vote for
| approval of OOXML in a recent International Organization for Standardization
| (ISO) ballot followed a flawed decision-making process.


BSI faces High Court challenge over OOXML U-turn

,----[ Quote ]
| OSC director Mark Taylor told The Register that the UKUUG and chums
| were "very confident that the BSI has a case to answer". He claimed
| that "they havenât followed procedures and we want them to explain their
| controversial actions".
| However, even if legal action against the BSI leads to the UK standards body
| being forced, in the form of mandatory orders, to withdraw its vote to the
| ISO, its impact could be muted.
| Taylor agreed: "Should the BSI be asked to remove its vote, that in itself
| probably wonât change the outcome."
| He added that the group hopes to see individuals in other countries mount
| similar challenges against national standards bodies in order to force the
| ISO to "sit up and take notice".


EC probes OOXML standards-setting process

,----[ Quote ]
| A spokesman for the European Commissioner for Competition, Neelie Kroes, told
| The Register that regulators were continuing to scrutinise interoperability
| issues related to Microsoftâs products following complaints from the
| Committee for Interoperable Systems (ECIS) group.
| As part of that process, the EC formally contacted a number of national
| standards bodies, including the Norwegian Standards Institute (NSI),
| requesting more details about possible irregularities in the OOXML
| standardisation process.
| [...]
| âIt must be stressed that it is not the Commission's intention to influence
| the outcome of this process, but the Commission considers it essential to
| ensure that European competition law is not violated in the course of the
| standard setting process,â he said in an email to El Reg.
| In January the EC began formal anti-trust probes against Microsoft in two
| cases where it was alleged that the multinational firm had abused its strong
| market position. As part of the investigation into the first case, the
| Commission said that it would scrutinise OOXML on the grounds that the
| specification doesn't work with those of competitors.

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