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[News] OpenShot Creator Interviewed, Docky Adds "Panel Mode"

  • Subject: [News] OpenShot Creator Interviewed, Docky Adds "Panel Mode"
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 22:44:08 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

A Quick Chat With OpenShot Creator Jonathan Thomas

,----[ Quote ]
| I took a few minutes to chat with Jonathan 
| Thomas, creator and all round nice guy from 
| OpenShot (better known as âiMovie for Linuxâ 
| around these parts!), to find out what the 
| application is up to, what their plans are 
| for the future and when we can expect a 
| stable releaseâ


Docky Gains Panel Mode, Network Docklet & More

,----[ Quote ]
| Docky gained a sleek new panel mode and a 
| network manager docklet in an update to users 
| of the Docky PPA yesterday. For those 
| wondering why Docky is not longer part of 
| GNOME Do see here for our interview with Docky 
| creator Jason Smith.



Introducing OpenShot

,----[ Quote ]
| At release 0.9.52 the program is very
| stable and I experienced no crashes during
| my tests. In my opinion OpenShot is well on
| its way to becoming an attractive and
| powerful editor. Presently it lacks some
| features I like in other NLEs, but I
| suspect its developers will add those and
| other features in due time. Like many
| similar projects OpenShot is in need of
| external assistance, so if you'd like to
| help produce a high-quality GTK-based NLE
| for video you might consider hopping on to
| the OpenShot train. Coders are welcome, but
| other aspects of the program need love too.
| Check with the devs to see how your talents
| can be employed by the project.


OpenShot Video Editor Gets New Icons & Preference Window

,----[ Quote ]
| The best video editor for Linux 'OpenShot' has
| finally gotten itself some new icons! Yes it is
| a slow news day...
| These new 'tango' style icons bring a much
| needed visual refresh to the (at times)
| slightly odd looking default set of "glassy"
| icons.


Openshot : The magic has arrived

,----[ Quote ]
| Openshot is a video editor for linux, is one of the best ones
| existing actually for linux. The news is that now has a PPA
| this mean easy install for Ubuntu users, but the big news is
| that the new version come with 30 new effects.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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