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[News] KDE Reports on Progress Towards 4.4 Release (February)

  • Subject: [News] KDE Reports on Progress Towards 4.4 Release (February)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 01:34:45 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

digiKam and Kipi sprint

,----[ Quote ]
| The developers of digiKam and the Kipi 
| project came together in Essen, Germany on 
| November 13-15 for the second coding sprint 
| for KDE photography applications. With 
| digiKam preparing for the 1.0 release 
| shortly before Christmas, plans were 
| discussed and work began already in feature 
| branches for the following release. A lot 
| of work was put into polishing Windows 
| support, with collaborative testing and bug 
| fixing. The developers of Kamoso took the 
| opportunity to bring Kipi support to their 
| application. A lot of discussion was 
| centered around a future architecture for 
| Kipi plugins for syncing with web services 
| and how Akonadi could help in this context.


Subtle moving

,----[ Quote ]
| another quick micro thing that will be in 
| Plasma for KDE 4.4: until now, the taskbar 
| items appeared and disappeared "magically" 
| and when a task disappeared between other 
| two, every task immediately disappeared 
| from where it was, appearing in the proper 
| place. That is sooo computer behaviour, one 
| of the little things that makes computer to 
| look innatural and scary...


Javascript plasmoids

,----[ Quote ]
| The other day I met with a couple of local 
| entrepreneurs whom Chani had met at the 
| recent Qt Dev Days in California. The four 
| of us gathered around some tasty vegetarian 
| vittles and discussed small devices, Qt and 
| Plasma. It was a good time and we found a 
| lot of common ground .. including agreeing 
| that Javascript is a great language for 
| writing little user interface elements 
| quickly that will run reliably.


let's do coffee ;) 

,----[ Quote ]
| I remember the first KDE release 
| announcement I ever wrote. It was just me 
| and a text editor and Coolo reminding me it 
| needed to be ready in a day or two, latest. 
| My how things have changed (and for the 
| better).
| I've also been hacking my brains out in a 
| few different areas for 4.4, though I'll 
| blog about some of that later. 



PulseAudio Phonon Support now in KDE trunk and heading towards 4.4

,----[ Quote ]
| Iâve very pleased to announce that my work
| on Phonon to integrate support for
| PulseAudio has now been committed to trunk
| and will form part of KDE 4.4

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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