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[News] [Rival] IE Under Attack; Microsoft Doesn't Care About Security, Uses Intimidation

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] IE Under Attack; Microsoft Doesn't Care About Security, Uses Intimidation
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 01:22:23 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft admits to zero-day threat to IE6 and IE7

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has published Security Advisory 
| (977981), confirming reports of a "zero day" 
| vulnerability in Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and 
| IE7. If you were thinking of upgrading to 
| IE8, this would be a good time to do it. 
| Microsoft says there have been no known 
| attempts to exploit the security hole, but 
| this could change at any time.


Microsoft Tries To Silence Revelation Of Bing Cashback Flaws;
Leads To Revelation Of Other Problems

,----[ Quote ]
| I'd been meaning to write this up for about 
| a week, but finally got it around to it, 
| just in time to add some additional info. 
| First up, though, comes the news that 
| Microsoft's legal department demanded a 
| blogger remove a blog post about flaws in 
| Bing's Cashback offer (Microsoft's attempt 
| to bribe users to search via Bing instead of 
| Google). One of the methods for the cashback 
| offer involved pixel tracking, and blogger 
| Samir Meghani noted that this was easily 
| gamed to post fake transactions to your 
| account. He also noted problems with the way 
| Microsoft used sequential IDs, allowing 
| potential scammers to "deny cashback rebates 
| to legitimate users by using up available 
| order ID numbers." Instead of dealing with 
| these flaws, Microsoft lawyers sent a cease-
| and-desist and forced the blog post offline. 
| I'm actually quite surprised this hasn't 
| received a lot more attention. 



Bing hit by costly security loophole


Bing cashback exploit discovered, Microsoft sends in lawyers


Microsoft Stifles Information on Bing Cashback Error

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has brought out its legal hammer
| against a businessman who publicized a
| problem with an incentive program run
| alongside the company's Bing search engine.


Surrendering to Microsoft and Bing Cashback

,----[ Quote ]
| The purpose of my post was to show an
| implementation problem, not to encourage
| defrauding Microsoft.  I am surprised they
| would go through this much trouble to make
| me take down information that is obvious
| to anyone reading their documentation. I
| donât like dealing with lawyers, so Iâve
| decided to comply with their request.  The
| post is gone.  I will still write a ânon-
| technicalâ post on all the problems I see
| with Bing Cashback in the next few days.


Microsoft Tries To Censor Bing Vulnerability

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's bing search engine has a
| vulnerability with its cash-back
| promotion, which impacts both merchants
| and customers. In traditional Microsoft
| fashion, the company has responded to the
| author of the breaking bing cashback
| expoit with a cease & desist letter,
| rather than by fixing the underlying
| security problem.

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