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The begining of the end
,----[ Quote ]
| First you had to convince the Unitied
| States Department of Justice that you were
| not being monopolistic when it comes to
| the desktop operating system and web
| browser. You sited Apple, Linux, and
| Netscape as competitors in this space.
| Lost but later you settled with the
| Unitied States while litigating Netscape
| to death. Your 750 million settlement with
| AOL/Netscape bought you browser market
| share. Even though you supposedly out of
| court by 2003, you were funding SCO in
| hopes of killing Linux. Now that SCO is
| bankrupt, you are busy defending your
| office suite in court with the Word patent
| suit and Novell is still suing you over
| Word Perfect. Do you still find it
| profitable to sue smaller companies that
| use Linux in their talking-devices based
| on the Linux kernel like the TomTom?
| [...]
| You lostâ
| * The kernel behind Google Android
| phones like the Droid is Linux.
| * Netscape is now the open source
| browser Firefox. There have been over
| 400 million downloads since I made the
| bet with Nick in June 2009.
| * Sun Microsystems, one your targets
| via SCO suits, is still sponsoring
| Open Office. In a few short months,
| you
| will have lost majority market share
| to the Open Office suite.
| * The Google/Ubuntu hybrid web-
| optimized Linux system called ChromeOS
| will hit your operating system,
| browser, and office suite market share
| hard.
Microsoft and Murdoch teaming up against Google?
Your new software vendor? Domino's Pizza
,----[ Quote ]
| Google makes money by making it easy to
| discover others' content. So does Apple's
| iTunes. Google can afford to give away
| lots of free software (and even free
| hardware) to nudge people into its
| advertising model.
| That's hugely disruptive.
| In software, Microsoft doesn't like
| competing with free Linux. Microsoft
| spends a lot of money developing Windows.
| It must seem unfair to have to compete
| with the rest of the industry, which
| increasingly coalesces around Linux (or
| Android, or MySQL, or...).
| But that's life in the open-source
| economy. Your core competence is always
| going to be someone else's throwaway
| complement, and ripe for open-source
| commoditization.
No one knows or cares that Microsoft has a phone OS
,----[ Quote ]
| According to the speakers, the vast majority of
| people buying a new phone come in looking for a
| specific make or feature, rather than a particular
| operating system or app store.
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