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[News] KDE 4.4 in Feature Freeze, Reports Abundant

  • Subject: [News] KDE 4.4 in Feature Freeze, Reports Abundant
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 10:28:35 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

some krunner updates

,----[ Quote ]
| KRunner continues to grow into a really 
| great tool to quickly get things done using 
| words. It was intended to be something more 
| flexible than the Run Command dialog in KDE3 
| that also looked nicer. I think we've 
| achieved both of those things, and KRunner 
| blends sexily into the rest of the Plasma 
| Desktop. It runs as its own process to allow 
| some separation between the desktop and 
| panels and the command dialog, which is also 
| a bit different from KDE3 where it was part 
| of the desktop itself. 


An Update Of What Is To Come With KRunner In KDE SC 4.4

,----[ Quote ]
| With the next version of KDE SC to be 
| released early next year, KRunner, one of 
| KDE SCâs most powerful feature since v4.0, 
| is getting some major updates. The hard 
| feature freeze for KDE SC 4.4 is already 
| done. So, in this article, we shall look at 
| some changes that is being introduced to 
| KRunner for KDE SC 4.4 and then some new 
| plugins coming with it.


A reflection: How we made Amarok 2.2.1

,----[ Quote ]
| So, I'm writing this partly because of 
| vanity (let's be honest here), partly 
| because reflection helps managing past 
| mistakes better in the future, and also 
| because some of you (KDE community) have 
| asked about our experiences with Git. With 
| this out of the way, let's go in medias res:
| With Amarok 2.2.1 we have tried a new 
| approach in release management, which meant 
| a rather radical departure for us: The whole 
| release cycle of 2.2.1 was pretty exactly 6 
| weeks long. While six weeks can be a lot of 
| time, or very little time, in our case it 
| was very little time, as we had set a goal 
| of achieving three things with this release: 
| 1) Features 2) Bug Fixes 3) Doing it all 
| without causing regressions. To give you an 
| impression of what we have done in these 6 
| weeks, check this out...


general audience vs advanced audience 

,----[ Quote ]
| The example of Gwenview, Digikam and Krita 
| is a great one, I think.
| With Gwenview, you get basic photo 
| downloading from cameras and image 
| manipulation. These "high end" (for 
| Gwenview) features mostly comes from work 
| laid down by the people working on the 
| higher end photo management tools like 
| (though not exclusively) Digikam. Sometimes 
| feature improvements flow from the general 
| audience app into the advanced tool app as 
| well, but in my experience such improvements 
| tend to be of the general audience pleasing 
| type (as one might expect).


KDE Gets a Ubuntu One Frontend (and How To Install It)

,----[ Quote ]
| Harald Sitter, one of the KDE developers, 
| has announced that the KDE frontend for 
| Ubuntu One is now available for a technical 
| preview. The fact that it is a technical 
| preview means that there is bound to be 
| crashes, bugs etc. However, it is expected 
| that it will be available for Kubuntu 10.04 
| Lucid Lynx with dolphin integration.



7 Things You Didnât Know You can Do With KRunner

,----[ Quote ]
| KRunner is one of those KDE applications that people
| generally take for granted. Since it has the same
| shortcut key, Alt+F2, as Gnomeâs Run Application
| terminal, those who have just started using KDE
| generally assume that it is just another version of
| Gnomeâs Run Application terminal. However, it cannot be
| farther from the truth. In reality KRunner is one of
| KDE 4.3âs most useful application.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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