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[News] Abuse of Power in Proprietary Software Agreements Probed by EFF

  • Subject: [News] Abuse of Power in Proprietary Software Agreements Probed by EFF
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 10:59:42 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

EFF sets sights on abusive EULAs

,----[ Quote ]
| Using a TOS, online service providers can 
| dictate their legal relationship with users 
| through private contracts, rather than rely 
| on the law as written. In the unregulated 
| and unpredictable world of the Internet, 
| such arrangements often provide the 
| necessary ground rules for how various 
| online services should be used.


Terms Of (Ab)Use

,----[ Quote ]
| One cannot go online today without 
| eventually being asked to accept a set of 
| so-called Terms of Service (or TOS) 
| agreements. These "terms" are actually 
| purported legal contracts between the user 
| and the online service provider (websites, 
| MMORPGs, communication services, etc.), 
| despite the fact that users never get a 
| change to negotiate their contents and can 
| often be entirely unaware of their 
| existence.



EFF sues Obama administration for promised access to secret copyright treaty

,----[ Quote ]
| Rebecca from the Electronic Frontier Foundation sez, "The U.S. government is
| still blocking the release of information about a secret intellectual
| property trade agreement with broad implications for privacy and innovation
| around the world, despite the Obama administration's promises to run a more
| open government. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) could
| establish far-reaching customs regulations over Internet traffic in the guise
| of anti-counterfeiting measures, but no one knows for sure the state of this
| pact, as the government is hiding the details. EFF is calling on the feds to
| change their minds, and will keep fighting this in court."

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