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[News] Google Develops Multiple Linux-based Operating Systems, "Fragmentation" a Non-Issue

  • Subject: [News] Google Develops Multiple Linux-based Operating Systems, "Fragmentation" a Non-Issue
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 23:20 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Android And Chrome OS: Google Vs. Google?

,----[ Quote ]
| The end user, on the other hand, ought to be 
| benefit. Most people are not going to be forced 
| to choose between an Android phone and a Chrome 
| OS netbook -- they could very well have both, 
| since they're provided through different markets 
| and satisfy different needs.


There is only _one_ Linux.


Chrome and Chrome, What is Chrome?

,----[ Quote ]
| The biggest news was simply that Google was
| finally taking Microsoft head-on. The rest
| of the news, at least to me, was that
| Microsoft should be worried, very worried.
| While weâre talking about operating systems
| here, Googleâs real target is Microsoft
| Office.  Redmond makes money from Windows
| but makes a lot more money from Office, its
| productivity app monopoly.  Google already
| has its Google Apps pitted against Office,
| but Brin and Page know they wonât crack
| Officeâs hold on corporate America without
| addressing the Windows flaws that
| effectively underlie both Office and Google
| Apps in their current incarnations.  Thatâs
| where the Chrome OS comes in.
| The Chrome OS strategy comes down to
| services, servers, security, and an iTunes-
| like app store (this latter part having been
| missed by nearly all the pundits).

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