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[News] Linux Phones from Motorola Look Good So Far

  • Subject: [News] Linux Phones from Motorola Look Good So Far
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 23:47:58 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Review: Motorola DROID from VzWireless

,----[ Quote ]
| The DROID is undeniably fastâboth at running 
| apps and at using the Internetâbut speed isn't 
| everything. Our DROID exhibited an unfortunate 
| tendency to become unresponsive, distracted by 
| who knows what for anywhere from 10 to 60 
| seconds, several times a day. Every so often, 
| some apps closed unexpectedlyânot just 
| downloaded apps, but Navigation and Email. The 
| DROID is a brand new phone, running a brand 
| new OS version, so some growing pains are 
| expected. However, we hope to see these kinks 
| resolved quickly by Motorola/VzWireless 
| updates.
| In the long run, we would like to see the 
| DROID deliver stronger out-of-the-box business 
| apps, including a more feature-rich Exchange 
| mail client, standard file attachment readers, 
| and an integrated personal/business calendar 
| app.
| Combining such enhancements with the DROID's 
| already-strong voice-driven apps and embedded 
| navigation would make this phone a stronger 
| enterprise contender. Until then, we don't see 
| the DROID delivering a knock-out punch to the 
| iPhone. We do, however, find the DROID worthy 
| of serious consideration by anyone shopping 
| for an "App Phone" this holiday season.


Motorola chose Linux and abandons Windows because Linux is _good_, not because
Motorola is a Linux "fan".


Droid by Motorola sales hit 250K

,----[ Quote ]
| Verizon Wireless sold 250,000 units of its
| Droid by Motorola phone, according to
| eWEEK, which has also given the Droid a
| rave review. Meanwhile, the rumor of a
| Google-branded Android phone refuses to
| die, Palm's CEO trash-talks the Droid, and
| tomorrow Google will unveil its Linux-based
| Chrome OS, say various reports.


Verizon Droid's Sales Surge: Report

,----[ Quote ]
| Trends in app development are also starting
| to look more promising for Android-based
| devices in the Droid's wake. Flurry said
| it's seen a "sharp increase" in new
| applications being developed for the mobile
| OS -- an increase of 94 percent from
| September to October.


Droid: Enjoyed

,----[ Quote ]
| If I had my way, I would encourage Verizon
| Wireless to invest in both hologram
| technology and more "Star Wars" film rights.
| That would allow the carrier to hire an Alec
| Guinness lookalike who could pop up in 3-D
| visions in Verizon stores across the country,
| wave his hand over racks full of Motorola's
| (NYSE: MOT) new smartphone, and in full Obi-
| Wan Kenobi drag intone the words, "these are
| the Droids you're looking for."

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