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[News] Debian Still Has Power Over Ubuntu, AntiX-M8.5 (Debian based) is Coming

  • Subject: [News] Debian Still Has Power Over Ubuntu, AntiX-M8.5 (Debian based) is Coming
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 10:57:42 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Howto switch from Ubuntu to Debian â My Experience â Part I

,----[ Quote ]
| After long time Iâm posting this. In this 
| time, I got a fantastic experience of 
| switching myself from ubuntu to debian. 


AntiX-M8.5 beta release is available for testing

,----[ Quote ]
| Anti has announced the first public beta of 
| antiX-M8.5. It is available at MEPIS 
| mirrors in the released/antix directory as 
| antiX-M8.5-pt1-beta.iso.


Forensic Cop Journal 2(1): Ubuntu Forensic

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu Forensic is the use of Ubuntu for 
| digital forensic purposes. As it provides a 
| wide range of forensic tools as well as 
| anti-forensic and cracking tools, so it is 
| reliable to investigate a computer crime 
| and analyse digital evidence on it. The 
| significant difference on forensic 
| applications between Ubuntu and Ms Windows 
| is that Ubuntu applications are freeware, 
| while the application running under Ms 
| Windows are commercial. The results 
| obtained between these applications are 
| relatively the same. It means that digital 
| forensic analyst should also be well 
| understood on the use of Ubuntu forensic 
| applications as well as Ms Windowsâs 
| applications. If they do it, so they will 
| have many forensic tools which can be 
| applied in the investigation/analysis. When 
| a tool does not give satisfied results, 
| they should be able to use other tools 
| either under Ubuntu or Ms Windows to yield 
| the best results.


Sim romance, Ubuntu manga and women in the know

,----[ Quote ]
| Second course this week is with the lovely 
| Martin Owens. He's a programmer and an 
| advocate and educator for the open source 
| community. He's also working to create the 
| English translation of the Ubunchu manga. A 
| comic book about an open source sys admin 
| after school club in Japan - who can fault 
| that?



- From Ubuntuâ to Gentoo..? No, to Debian!

,----[ Quote ]
| Instead of moving to Gentoo, I will move to
| Debian, which Iâm already familiar with, but
| with an interesting idea. My idea is to
| compile my kernel (get the latest stable
| release from Kernel.org), then I would like to
| compile my Desktop Environment, which will be
| XFCE. If I do all of this, I should have then
| an efficient system. What happens with the
| applications? Easy, if I see that I need
| special good performance on a program, then I
| shall go and compile it from the sources. What
| if not? Then use âapt-getâ, as always.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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