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[News] Freedom/Openness/Sharing Reaches Cars, MLS

  • Subject: [News] Freedom/Openness/Sharing Reaches Cars, MLS
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 11:20:23 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1


,----[ Quote ]
| The other reasons that open source 
| automobiles are interesting is that it 
| overcomes the slowness of innovation we see 
| in traditional traditional car 
| manufacturing.  The designs are open 
| sourced.  This means that designers from 
| around the world are able to generate 
| innovation either alone or in teams with 
| others and deploy them as plans that have 
| the potential to get built (including 
| electric vehicles).


Open Source MLS

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently Jimmy Conrad wrote a piece at 
| ESPN's Soccernet about his vision for MLS.  
| He likens it to Linux, but honestly, his 
| ideas are not in the mold of Linux.  Sure, 
| he's willing to respond and listen to 
| feedback, but he is not necessarily 
| advocating adopting an Open Source and/or 
| Democratic model for MLS, just for his own 
| "blog" at Soccernet.



"Car OS" links Linux with telematics systems

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenSynergy is readying a Linux-based "car operating system" and an Intel
| Atom-based evaluation board for automobile infotainment systems. The COQOS
| platform aims to let Linux-based infotainment applications and
| AUTOSAR-compliant telematics modules share the same system-on-chip processor,
| which is virtualized by a "micro operating system" (ÎOS) layer.


Can automotive survive without open source?

,----[ Quote ]
| The struggling automotive industry needs to embrace open software platforms
| if it wants to cash in on the growing automotive telematics and infotainment
| business, says an ABI Research white paper. Partnerships with Linux
| technology companies are cited by ABI as potential avenues for success.



Wind River, Intel ride Linux into car market

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel and Wind River Systems have teamed up to create a Linux/x86 platform
| for car electronics, which will debut at the Telematics Detroit 2008
| conference today (May 20). The offering is based on Intel's low-power Atom
| processor and a new variant of Wind River's embedded Linux.


Linux Soon to be in your Car

,----[ Quote ]
| Thanks to a new joint effort between Intel and Wind River, you may soon be
| running Linux in your car.


Intel and Wind River driving Linux infotainment systems to cars

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is in our computers, our phones, our Wi-Fi equipment, and our TiVos â
| why not our cars? Intel Corp. and Wind River have been working with both the
| embedded and automotive industries to advance in-vehicle infotainment (IVI)
| with open, Linux-based, standards-based, interoperable hardware and software
| called Open Infotainment Platforms (OIP).

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