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[News] Microsoft Supports Mandelson and the MAFIAA, by Absentia

  • Subject: [News] Microsoft Supports Mandelson and the MAFIAA, by Absentia
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 01:38:13 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Web giants unite against Digital Britain copyright plan

,----[ Quote ]
| Facebook, Google, Yahoo and eBay object to 
| a clause that they say could give 
| government "unprecedented and sweeping 
| powers" to amend copyright laws.


Mandelson's law pasted by web giants

,----[ Quote ]
| LORD PETER Mandelson's Digital Economy Bill 
| has been slammed by some of the biggest 
| names on the web.
| What has miffed the likes of Facebook, 
| Google, Yahoo and Ebay is a clause which 
| gives the government "unprecedented and 
| sweeping powers" to amend copyright laws as 
| it likes.


Yes, But Will Sergey Brin Take Peter Mandelson Out To Dinner At A Fancy Resort?

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm beginning to wonder if this particular 
| clause is being used to draw away the fire 
| from the "three strikes and we kick you off 
| the internet" clause. With the big tech 
| companies focused on this ridiculous power 
| grab by the Business Secretary, not nearly 
| as much attention is being paid to that 
| "guilty based on accusations" clause.


"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to abolish the proposed law that 
will see alleged illegal filesharers disconnected from their 
broadband connections, without a fair trial."



BREAKING: Leaked UK government plan to create "Pirate Finder General" with power to appoint militias, create laws

,----[Quote  ]
| A source close to the British Labour
| Government has just given me reliable
| information about the most radical copyright
| propoQuotesal I've ever seen.
| Secretary of State Peter Mandelson is
| planning to introduce changes to the Digital
| Economy Bill now under debate in Parliament.
| These changes will give the Secretary of
| State (Mandelson -- or his successor in the
| next government) the power to make
| "secondary legislation" (legislation that is
| passed without debate) to amend the
| provisions of Copyright, Designs and Patents
| Act (1988).


Dictatorial, disastrous, dire: Mandelson must not pass

,----[ Quote ]
| The powers that he wants to create - by
| means of a statutory instrument, which
| bypasses Parliamentary debate and decision -
| will criminalise downloading of content
| without permission. They will give him or
| anyone he chooses the power to enforce by
| law any action he or his successor thinks
| fit, in the service of protecting copyright.


Questions for Lord Mandelson

,----[ Quote ]
| The bill includes a provision for
| unappointed, unelected, monopoly collecting
| societies to "assume a mandate to collect
| fees on behalf of rights holders who have
| not specifically signed up to that society."
| Why should doing this be considered anything
| less than criminally defrauding the people
| these fees will be collected from and
| stealing copyright (in the true sense of
| claiming ownership, not the way it is
| misused as a synonym for infringement)?
| Why does the government see file sharing as
| both so trivial that it can be dealt with by
| just sending a letter and simultaneously so
| serious that it warrants the imposition of a
| new Â50,000 fine?


Mandelson's Madness

,----[ Quote ]
| This is penalising every other industry, and
| every online user, for the sake of one,
| congenitally lazy sector that has fought
| every new technology for the last century on
| the basis that it will âdestroyâ its
| business model, and âruinâ it. Of course,
| just as every new technology turned out to
| be a new *opportunity* for those self-same
| companies once they were forced to work with
| it rather than against, so file-sharing will
| enable a host of new business models. Until
| that point, though, if the current proposals
| go through, we will all be paying the price
| for this unjustifiable preferential
| treatment.


British Government Goes Batshit Insane Over Internet


Filesharing laws to hit websites and newsgroups too

,----[ Quote ]
| The government is planning to award itself
| powers to change copyright law almost at
| will, in expectation that new anti-peer-to-
| peer laws will drive infringement to other
| services such as Rapidshare and newsgroups.
| The measure, which is the most severe
| contained in the Digital Economy Bill
| published today, will be interpreted as a
| major victory for rights holder
| organisations. It will grant the Business
| Secretary Lord Mandelson and his successors
| undprecedented control over civil
| enforcement of copyright.


Mandelson seeks to amend copyright law in new crackdown on filesharing

,----[ Quote ]
| Lord Mandelson is seeking to amend the laws
| on copyright to give the government
| sweeping new powers against people accused
| of illegal downloading.


Mandelson to get Nominet reform powers

,----[ Quote ]
| Ministers have revealed new legislation
| that will allow the government to take over
| and reform Nominet, following a boardroom
| battle over the .uk registry's future.
| The reserve powers are included in the
| Digital Economy Bill, published today by
| Lord Mandelson's Department for Business.


TalkTalk threatens legal action over Mandelson's filesharing plan

,----[ Quote ]
| TalkTalk, the second largest internet
| service provider in the UK, has threatened
| to launch legal action if business secretary
| Peter Mandelson follows through with his
| plan to cut off persistent illegal
| filesharers' internet connections.


ISP's attack government anti-filesharing tactics

,----[ Quote ]
| THE UK'S TOP Internet service providers have
| opposed Business Secretary Lord Peter
| Mandelson's daft plan to cut off persistent
| illegal filesharers' Internet connections.
| Talktalk has even said that it feels the
| scheme infringes upon people's rights and it
| will be happy to go to court to have it
| struck down.


Mandelson and âThree Strikesâ: Not So Much âDark Lordâ...

,----[ Quote ]
| Unjust, because it allows the media
| industries to function as prosecutor, judge
| and jury, with only minimal oversight by
| proper legal authorities; unjust because it
| cuts people off from what is fast becoming a
| necessity of modern life, as the UK
| government itself is promoting; unjust
| because it penalises an entire family for
| the alleged actions of one member: something
| that in war would amount to a
| disproportionate and vindictive act of
| reprisal - a war-crime, in fact.
| It is unworkable because it will be almost
| impossible to tell whether copyrighted
| material is being transmitted legally or
| not; and ultimately it is unworkable because
| people will simply start encrypting material
| before downloading.


Mandy confirms he'll cut off filesharers

,----[ Quote ]
| Labour's plan is that the music industry
| will monitor what people are downloading,
| and on their say-so (not in any court of
| law), internet subscribers will receive two
| warning letters and then have their internet
| access cut off. The music industry will not
| have to prove that the subscribers have
| being doing anything wrong; instead
| Mandelson's plan is that they will act as
| judge, jury and executioner. And it's not
| just the subscriber who will be cut off,
| their whole household will be too; this
| collective punishment, if done in wartime,
| would be a war crime under the Geneva
| Convention.


We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to abolish the proposed law that will see alleged illegal filesharers disconnected from their broadband connections, without a fair trial.


Parliamentary Comms Group Says âNoâ to UK 3-Strikes

,----[ Quote ]
| An increasing death-knell is sounding for Lord
| Mandelsonâs proposals for 3-strikes Internet
| disconnections. The latest blow comes from the All Party
| Parliamentary Communications Group. After a consultation
| earlier this year, they have now published their
| response, and itâs not one favorable to âDarth Mandyâ
| and his plans.


U.K. Minister Defends Internet Suspension In MPAA Speech

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, a joint statement from the Featured Artists Coalition, the British
| Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA) and the Music Producers
| Guild also condemns the plan.


Lammy appeals to film and music industries to help tackle online piracy

,----[ Quote ]
| Lammy cites apparent inconsistencies in copyright law, citing the example of
| a CD owner who wants a copy on his MP3 player. "Is he breaking the rules or
| just refusing to be ripped off?"
| "Something isn't right with copyright. Not just in the UK but as a whole. And
| I want to do something about that," he says.


An open letter to Lord Mandelson

,----[ Quote ]
| Your proposal is wrong for purely economic reasons. It is wrong because it
| will stifle a major opportunity for economic growth right at the point where
| we need it most. And it is wrong because as a government your role is not to
| legislate to protect business models but to regulate in a way that balances
| the risks of damage in one sector against the potential for encouraging new
| sectors to develop.


Creative industries and consumersâ rights

,----[ Quote ]
| We hope that the Government will consider genuinely consumersâ rights in its
| endeavours to protect the creative industries.


Good Thoughts on Naughty Lord Mandelson


The Right to Science and Culture


Peter Mandelson Defends His Sudden Conversion To Kicking People Off The

,----[ Quote ]
| You do realize that a UK-based music organization (PRS) recently released a
| report noting that the music industry in the UK is actually growing? Right?
| These are the sort of facts the Secretary of Business knows, right? And if
| the industry is growing, despite complaining about file sharing, isn't it
| possible that the real issue is just focusing on business model improvement,
| rather than the hand of gov't stepping in and slapping people around?


BSA Jumps Onto The Three Strikes Bandwagon

,----[ Quote ]
| More troubling, however, is that when questioned about the new statement by
| Ars Technica, the BSA said it was necessary because "last year our industry
| lost over $50 billion (USD) worldwide." Hmm. It's really quite troubling that
| the BSA still stands by these numbers when they've been debunked so
| thoroughly over and over again. They count the "retail value" of every piece
| of software as being "lost," which is clearly a lie. Five years ago, the
| research company that runs these studies for the BSA, IDG, flat out said that
| the BSA was wrong in claiming that "the retail value" of the software is the
| same as "losses." So why does the BSA continue to get away with claiming it?


UK "Three Strikes": Please Write to Your MP

,----[ Quote ]
| Yesterday I wrote a quick analysis of the insane U-turn effected by the UK
| government over "three strikes and you're out". Below I've posted the
| corresponding letter that I've sent to my MP on the subject.


Fon and Games with "Three Strikes"

,----[ Quote ]
| Suppose, now, that people use some of those million hotspots to download
| copyright material: how easy is it going to be (a) establishing exactly who
| downloaded it and (b) cutting off that person?
| Gives a new meaning to the term "hotspot"...


Lord Mandelson pays off his Â750,000 mortgage within a year

,----[ Quote ]
| The mystery of how Lord Mandelson managed to afford a Â2.4 million town house
| in Regent's Park took a new twist this week with his claim in a newspaper
| interview that he did not possess a mortgage on the property.


38 Degrees backs campaign against âDigital Dictatorâ Mandelson

,----[ Quote ]
| Online campaigners 38 Degrees have launched an attack on Mandelsonâs plans to
| give himself the power to order internet cut-offs without trial. Other
| campaigners from a range of NGOs are getting in touch with us about this:
| there is a growing sense of outrage among people who know that the internet
| is the most important political tool we have.


Taking something for nothing is wrong . . .

,----[ Quote ]
| [by] Peter Mandelson


UK Wants to Zap File-Sharers

,----[ Quote ]
| It seems the British government is going loony for anti-piracy rhetoric from
| the likes of U2 and David Geffen.


Mandelson goes to war on teenagers downloading their music and movies... just
days after dining with anti-piracy billionaire

,----[ Quote ]
| Lord Mandelson launched a crackdown on internet piracy just days after
| meeting a leading Hollywood critic of illegal file sharing.
| The business secretary plans to criminalise the estimated seven million
| people - one in 12 of the population - who illicitly download music and films
| over the internet.


âTaking something for nothing is wrongâ â No, not expenses, data.

,----[ Quote ]
| In the meantime I am going to increase my sharing of Linux distros and hope
| that someone tries to accuse me of sharing files illegallyâ..lets see how
| much of my unlimited monthly broadband I can use.  Maybe time is up for the
| proprietary model?  Maybe you should now be looking towards FOSS and the GPL?
| You certainly donât have to worry about sharing issues then.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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