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[News] Impact of Free Software Seen in More Areas

  • Subject: [News] Impact of Free Software Seen in More Areas
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 07 Dec 2009 21:18:40 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Interview with Brian Kissel, JanRain

,----[ Quote ]
| About three or four years ago, a number of 
| individuals in the open source community 
| said--the concept of single sign-on is 
| compelling, we ought to do something to get 
| lots of companies to participate--and that 
| was the genesis of OpenID. 


Infosys partnering CSIR for TB project

,----[ Quote ]
| New Delhi: Software giant Infosys 
| Technologies Ltd is partnering the Council 
| of Scientific and Industrial Research 
| (CSIR) for its open source drug discovery 
| project (OSDD). The project, launched last 
| year, is a novel attempt at fashioning an 
| efficient way to look for tuberculosis (TB) 
| drugs.


New Open Source Track-and-Trace Software Can Help Small Companies

,----[ Quote ]
| Small companies prepared to share 
| commercially sensitive information can add 
| value and develop new services for their 
| customers, using a distributed track-and-
| trace software solution.


Transparency, Open Government and Climate Change


Local Governments Offer Data to Miners

,----[ Quote ]
| âThe timing now with the open data movement 
| is really critical because there are a lot 
| of open-source tools that really make that 
| data usable,â Mr. Gundersen said. These 
| include the mapping tool he used to build 
| Stumble Safely and also a site for the 
| United States Agency for International 
| Development that maps public health 
| clinics.


Feds open to computer reboot

,----[ Quote ]
| It's one example of what taxpayers could 
| reap if federal institutions embraced what 
| is known as open-source software, according 
| to the paper.


Stage was set for drama at Whistler film summit

,----[ Quote ]
| When panel members talked about new ways of 
| getting content out to the public, 
| including Crossâs method of âopen sourceâ 
| filmmaking where the consumer actually 
| creates part of the movie, Safford did not 
| over-react. In fact, he got off the best 
| line of the day.


NNDA gives âopen sourceâ economic development system a try

,----[ Quote ]
| Mike Skaggs, who heads the Nevada 
| Commission on Economic Development staff, 
| has dubbed NNDAâs approach as âopen-source 
| economic development.â



Free Software in Education

,----[ Quote ]
| The notion of Free Software is definitely political. Iâm not stating the
| obvious, that any human work that affects a community in any way is
| political. Neither I suggest that the ideological (as opposed to purely
| technical) reasons of many Free Software supporters (and its critics)
| automatically brand it as a political issue. They alone might as well
| characterize it as philosophical, artistic or simply iconic. Free Software is
| political because it is strongly tied with a deep political question: that of
| education, and access to it.
| [...]
| You can read two great articles that support this: Richard Stallmanâs Why
| schools should exclusively use free software and Jean Peyratoutâs Why give
| precedence to Free Software at Schools. To summarize them, Free Softwares
| helps students assimilate and generate knowledge, instead of simply acquire
| technical skills; it offers education, instead of training. It helps build
| communities, and promotes (actually depends on) discussion, cooperation,
| initiative and active participation to the development process. In an
| increasingly expanding digital world, it embodies the ideals of education.


Students Adore Moodle

,----[ Quote ]
| And that was how Moodle was born. Soon after it was invented, Moodle's
| popularity grew rapidly in schools and colleges around the world. The stories
| I hear from teachers who are using Moodle are deeply intriguing. Moodle
| works, and it works very well.

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