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[News] Pirate Party Works to Defend the Internet

  • Subject: [News] Pirate Party Works to Defend the Internet
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 02:32:18 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Pirate Party MEP Proposes âInternet Bill of Rightsâ

,----[ Quote ]
| The Pirate Partyâs Christian Engstrom is 
| already making waves in the European 
| Parliament. After his hard work on the 
| Telecoms Package amendment heâs now working 
| to set up an Internet Bill of Rights, 
| attempting to codify some of the core beliefs 
| of the Pirate Party. To achieve this he wants 
| your help.


Letâs write an Internet Bill of Rights


Chris Weitz Says 'New Moon' Bootlegging Arrest Is 'Terribly Unfair'

,----[ Quote ]
| There are those fans who were really 
| excited about "New Moon," buying Robert 
| Pattinson-emblazoned pillows and making 
| elaborate scrapbooks for the stars, and 
| then there are those fans who may have 
| gone overboard in their excitement. 
| Samantha Tumpach was busted in a Chicago 
| movie theater for allegedly taping three 
| minutes of the "Twilight" saga sequel 
| inside a theater in late November and 
| could face up to a three-year prison term 
| for her actions; Tumpach has said she was 
| essentially filming a home movie had no 
| intention of distributing the footage.
| Now Chris Weitz, the director of "New 
| Moon," has come to Tumpach's defense, 
| saying that the prospect of such a harsh 
| sentence is unjust.
| "Needless to say, the case seems to me 
| terribly unfair and I would like to do 
| what I can to address this," Weitz wrote 
| in an e-mail to the Chicago Sun-Times. 



French Pirates get 2.06% in by-election

,----[ Quote ]
| France's Parti Pirate fought its first election on Sunday.
| This was a by-election to the Natonal Assembly in the 10th
| district of Yvelines. The Pirate candidate was Maxime
| Rouquet, a 23 year old student, and he got 2.06% of the
| vote.


Music industry talks break down in illegal downloading row

,----[ Quote ]
| Many in the music business believe that the disunity,
| which has involved public spats between the FAC and
| artists such as Lily Allen, Abba and Muse, will derail
| Lord Mandelsonâs proposals, as the industry fails to
| present a united front.
| UK Music, the umbrella organisation for the whole music
| industry, has already dropped all mentions of
| disconnection from its public statements on the issue,
| in a desperate attempt to unite the industry. The
| consultation period for the plans ends in a weekâs time.

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