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[News] New Warnings About Implications of ACTA/Intellectual Monopolies

  • Subject: [News] New Warnings About Implications of ACTA/Intellectual Monopolies
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 19:03:16 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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ACTA: A Global Threat to Freedoms (Open Letter)

,----[ Quote ]
| A worldwide coalition of Non-Governmental 
| Organizations, consumers unions and online 
| service providers associations publish an 
| open letter to the European institutions 
| regarding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade 
| Agreement (ACTA) currently under 
| negotiation. They call on the European 
| Parliament and the EU negotiators to oppose 
| any provision into the multilateral 
| agreement that would undermine the 
| fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens 
| in Europe and across the world.
| By December 17th, 2009, European negotiators 
| will submit their position regarding the 
| proposal put forward by the U.S Trade 
| Representative for the Internet chapter of 
| the ACTA. It is now time for the European 
| Union to firmly oppose the dangerous 
| measures secretly being negotiated. They 
| cover not only "three strikes" schemes, but 
| also include Internet service providers 
| liability that would result in Internet 
| filtering, and dispositions undermining 
| interoperability and usability of digitial 
| music and films.


The ACTA Timeline: Tracing The Secret Copyright Treaty

,----[ Quote ]
| The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is 
| generating growing concern (witness today's 
| release of a protest letter from civil 
| liberties groups from around the world) as 
| many people learn about the secret copyright 
| treaty for the first time.  I've posted 
| video talks and interviews on ACTA, but some 
| have asked for a visual timeline to trace 
| its emergence.  Posted below is an ACTA 
| Timeline created using Dipity.  I'll update 
| as events warrant.


ALERT: Unauthorized Bow-Wow-Wow-Yippie-Yo-Yippie-Yea-ing May Result in Liability

,----[ Quote ]
| The result of the collaboration between 
| Clinton and the musicians holding him up is 
| still "one of the most frequently sampled 
| compositions of the Funk era," and the "Bow 
| Wow refrain" is often licensed by itself.  
| But in this case, it wasn't licensed at all.  
| Universal Music Group, which owns the 
| (likely much less lucrative) rights to the 
| work of Public Announcement, argued that the 
| allegedly infringing elements -- "the use of 
| the word 'dog' in a low voice as 'musical 
| punctuation,' the rhythmic panting, and the 
| Bow Wow refrain" -- were not copyrightable, 
| but the jury disagreed.  (Those of you who 
| are always wanting to get out of jury duty 
| should be reminded that there are cases out 
| there like this one.)  It awarded $89,000 in 
| damages for the unlicensed woofing.



Ambassador Kirk: People would be âwalking away from the
tableâ if the ACTA text is made public

,----[ Quote ]
| I said that it was untrue that IPR
| negotiations are normally secret, mentioning
| as examples that drafts of the other IPR
| texts, including the proposed WIPO treaty
| for disabilities and the climate change
| agreement language on IPR, as well as
| several drafts of the FTAA text and the 1996
| WIPO copyright treaties had been public.
| Kirk said that ACTA âwas differentâ and the
| topics being negotiated in ACTA were âmore
| complex.â
| I brought up to Kirk that the USTR had shown
| ACTA text to dozens of corporate lobbyists
| and all of its trading partners in the ACTA
| negotiation, and the text was only secret
| from the public. Kirk did say USTR was
| discussing this issue with the White House
| and its trading partners, but that was about
| all he could say at that moment.


Canadian Recording Industry Hit With $6 Billion Copyright Lawsuit

,----[ Quote ]
| Chet Baker was a leading jazz musician in
| the 1950s, playing trumpet and providing
| vocals. Baker died in 1988, yet he is about
| to add a new claim to fame as the lead
| plaintiff in possibly the largest copyright
| infringement case in Canadian history.  His
| estate, which still owns the copyright in
| more than 50 of his works, is part of a
| massive class-action lawsuit that has been
| underway for the past year.
| The infringer has effectively already
| admitted owing at least $50 million and the
| full claim could exceed $6 billion. If the
| dollars donât shock, the target of the
| lawsuit undoubtedly will: The defendants in
| the case are Warner Music Canada, Sony BMG
| Music Canada, EMI Music Canada, and
| Universal Music Canada, the four primary
| members of the Canadian Recording Industry
| Association.


French Government's Plan To Help Book Publishers Adapt: Have Them Embrace Three Strikes Plan


MPAA Says Copyright-Treaty Critics Hate Hollywood

,----[ Quote ]
| Dan Glickman, the MPAAâs chairman, informs
| lawmakers that millions of film-related
| jobs are in peril because of internet
| piracy. Simply put, those who donât back
| the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting and Trade
| Agreement donât support intellectual
| property rights, he wrote.


No, ACTA Secrecy Is Not 'Normal' -- Nor Is It A 'Distraction'

,----[ Quote ]
| A second point they make is that if the end
| result is really bad, countries can simply
| decide not to sign it and not to
| participate. Yes, stop laughing. It's as if
| they think that we're all idiots who
| haven't seen how lobbyists have
| historically relied on the line "but we
| must live up to our international
| obligations" to push through all sorts of
| laws the public does not support.


Will secret copyright treaty restrict your digital rights?

,----[ Quote ]
| Most Americans expect that their laws are
| only passed after some period of public
| debate between Republicans and Democrats or
| their news-channel proxies. However, the
| Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
| may be an exception to this rule, and if it
| is signed, many United States laws
| concerning the Internet and ownership of
| data may become substantively different.


No, ACTA Secrecy Is Not 'Normal' -- Nor Is It A 'Distraction'

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the last few weeks people who are
| actually concerned about individual rights
| have done a decent job sounding the alarm
| about the problems with what little we've
| seen of the ACTA negotiations. In the last
| week or so, those who work for the
| entertainment industry have suddenly started
| scrambling to respond, after realizing that
| more and more people are starting to pay
| attention and to worry about ACTA. However,
| it's been pretty funny to watch the
| desperate attempts by industry lawyers to
| try to paint this all as much ado about
| nothing (with gratuitous swipes at those of
| us who have called attention to what's going
| on).


Stopping the ACTA Juggernaut

,----[ Quote ]
| The ACTA juggernaut continues to roll ahead,
| despite public indignation about an
| agreement supposedly about counterfeiting
| that has turned into a regime for global
| Internet regulation. The Office of the
| United States Trade Representative (USTR)
| has already announced that the next round of
| Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
| negotiations will take place in January â
| with the aim of concluding the deal "as soon
| as possible in 2010."
| For the rest of us, with access to only
| leaks and whispers of what ACTA is about,
| there are many troubling questions. How can
| such a radical proposal legally be kept so
| secret from the millions of Net users and
| companies whose rights and freedoms stand to
| be affected? Who decides what becomes the
| law of the land and by what influence? Where
| is the public oversight for an agreement
| that would set the legal rules for the
| knowledge economy? And what can be done to
| fix this runaway process?


USA Treaty Priorities?

,----[ Quote ]
| Maybe the only explanation for the US being
| the last holdout from this worthy sounding
| treaty that even Somalia will ratify is that
| it is just too busy protecting the obsolete
| business models of the RIAA and MPAA through
| the secret ACTA treaty process and doesn't
| have enough time or resources to worry about
| lesser priorities, such as protecting
| children.

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