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[News] FUDCon Reports and Another Fedora 12 Review

  • Subject: [News] FUDCon Reports and Another Fedora 12 Review
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 11:37:53 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Fedora, open source trademarks and FUD

,----[ Quote ]
| To that end, while there is a place for 
| trademark law in open source, it's my 
| opinion, that the value a brand, or project 
| be it Fedora, Red Hat or any other is more 
| about how they deal with their users and 
| community, than how they deal with 
| Trademark law (but it's always good to have 
| a lawyer on hand..just in case). 


FUDCon Toronto report.

,----[ Quote ]
| Coming up to this event, Iâd been 
| struggling a bit with some mental and 
| spiritual exhaustion. This event helped me 
| get Fedora back into perspective and 
| reminded me what a beautiful thing it is to 
| be surrounded by wonderful, smart people â 
| and how much we can accomplish when we 
| bring our ideas together and compare them 
| constructively to find the best way 
| forward. Thank you to every single one of 
| you who participated either on-site or 
| remotely, for the gift of renewal.


Fedora 12 â A Visually-Pleasing, Highly-Configurable Linux Distro You Might Want To Try

,----[ Quote ]
| Although my experiences with Fedora over 
| the years have been riddled with 
| installation issues, humdrum looks, and a 
| lack of tools and default software, I seem 
| to be in the minority. What works really 
| well for me, my work flow, and my hardware 
| may not work that well for you â and vise 
| versa. This is why a particular distro may 
| receive a bad review from one writer and a 
| glowing review from another. It all boils 
| down to personal experience. Iâm reminded 
| of this every time I try to use Fedora.



Fedora 12: One Major Step in the Right Direction

,----[ Quote ]
| From spending a good week and a half with
| Fedora 12, I couldnât find anything broken or
| out of place. The entire experience feels
| polished and well thought out. As Iâve
| mentioned before in past articles it seems to
| me that every even-numbered Fedora release is
| exceptional, and given the quality of this
| latest release, Iâll have to say that the
| tradition still holds strong.



,----[ Quote ]
| With the release of fedora 12 ,we decided to
| give it a try with a 64 bit live cd on a
| Toshiba machine.There is no good difference in
| appearance with the older editions of fedora
| ,just some changes in Nautilus icons.What to
| say,they offer a clear and clean appearance.


5 Fun things in Fedora 12 (Video)

,----[ Quote ]
| I recently got a Kodak zi8 video recorder. It
| works great in Fedora 12 so I was inspired to
| create a 15-minute video highlighting five
| fun things in Fedora 12.


Ubuntu User on Fedora 12: Using It and Liking It

,----[ Quote ]
| I find Fedora 12 fast and responsive. It
| loads quickly and after it is set up it
| seems stable. I can find most of the
| applications that I use and there are many
| online resources to assist me with setting
| up my system. So far, I have installed KDE 4
| and GNOME and like the look and feel of
| both. The community has been helpful but
| quite a bit smaller than what I am used to.
| I expect to write more about Fedora in the
| future.


Distro Review: Fedora 12


Between Fedora 12 and 13

,----[ Quote ]
| So what comes next? Fedora 13 is tentatively
| scheduled for release on May 11, 2010. The
| proposed feature list for this release is just
| beginning to come together, and some possible
| features (such as Btrfs-based rollbacks) do not
| yet appear there. Unsurprisingly, improvements
| to the Nouveau and Radeon graphics drivers are
| on the list. Better online telephony support is
| a possibility for F13 as well.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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