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[News] K Desktop Environment Gets Better Integrated with PolicyKit

  • Subject: [News] K Desktop Environment Gets Better Integrated with PolicyKit
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 01:13:09 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

KDE extends Polkit support to polkit-1

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, the first version of polkit-qt-1 and 
| polkit-kde-1 have been released to the 
| public. Thanks to these tools, KDE 
| applications now integrate nicely with the 
| new polkit-1 with a native authentication 
| dialog. An authorization manager, the 
| equivalent of the Polkit Authorization System 
| Settings module, will be included in future 
| releases. Find out more about PolicyKit on 
| Freedesktop.org..


Proposal for a new Linux distribution 

,----[ Quote ]
| # Based on one, and only one, desktop 
| environment. I'm seriously thinking of KDE 4 
| (seriously). There is a strong reason for 
| this, primarily that KDE uses Qt, which will 
| make a good foundation for another choice I 
| have in mind.



KDE Software Compilation 4.4 Beta 2 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| In just a bit over a month should be the
| release of KDE 4.4, or more properly known
| now as KDE Software Compilation 4.4. A
| month and a half ago was the first beta
| release, but now KDE Software Compilation
| 4.4 Beta 2 is ready and has been released
| to the public this morning.


KDE Software Compilation 4.4-beta2 Out Now: Codename "Claus"

,----[ Quote ]
| December 21st, 2009. Today, KDE has
| released a second preview the KDE Software
| Compilation (KDE SC), 4.4 Beta 2. The
| second beta version of KDE SC 4.4 provides
| a preview and base for helping to stabilize
| the next version of the KDE Plasma
| Workspaces, Applications and Development

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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