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[News] [Rival] Windows Mobile Fried in 2009 (While Linux Gained)

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Windows Mobile Fried in 2009 (While Linux Gained)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 02:19:36 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

10 Things Microsoft Did Wrong in 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| News Analysis: Microsoft has had an up and 
| down kind of year. The company released 
| Windows 7, but it also was forced to lay 
| off 5,000 employees. While it introduced 
| new security products, it's still fighting 
| an uphill battle against security 
| vulnerabilities. It jump-started its 
| online efforts, but failed to improve 
| Windows Mobile. We take a look at those 
| things the company did wrong in 2009.


The Sad Decline of Windows Mobile

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has been plugging away at the 
| mobile computing market for almost as long 
| as Windows has been around. I'm thinking 
| of products like Windows for Pen 
| Computing, or the original Windows CE for 
| handheld devices. At best, you could say 
| that the consumers were willing but the 
| platforms were weak.


Will developers be the next battleground in smartphones?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is at risk of falling into last 
| place in mobile phones if it doesn't do 
| something about it. So what's the one 
| strength Microsoft can bring to the table? 
| Developers, developers, developers. 
| They're one of the factors that has made 
| Microsoft a success on desktops, and it 
| might well play in the mobile space.


Ban the beer: Microsoft gets an attack of the "app morals"

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft mobile developer marketing 
| director for the Asia Pacific region, 
| Chris Chin, says his company's policy 
| whilst not necessarily family friendly, it 
| is at least  âacceptable to the publicâ.



Windows Mobile 7 in late 2010, already game over?

,----[ Quote ]
| A Microsoft official has come out and said that
| Windows Mobile 7 is coming in late 2010. At the
| same time, an analyst says that it's already
| game over for Microsoft.


See ya later, WinMo: Microsoft's mobile strategy needs a reboot

,----[ Quote ]
| After 13 years and countless kicks at the
| can, it's time for Microsoft to call it a
| day.


Windows Mobile loses nearly a third of market share

,----[ Quote ]
| The open-source Android operating system
| did not have any market share in Q3 2008,
| as it had only recently been introduced. In
| Q3 2009, however, it had a market share of
| 3.9 percent of the smartphone market.
| Palm's WebOS had 1.1 percent, and other
| Linux-based mobile operating systems had
| 4.7 percent.


Windows Mobile smartphone sales plunge 20% in Q3

,----[ Quote ]
| The fact that Windows Mobile sales declined
| may not be a surprise, but the size of the
| decline is.


Dell's Android phone confirmed

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell has confirmed that its Android phone will
| launch in the U.S. next year, says eWEEK. In other
| Android news, Samsung is prepping a "Galaxy Lite
| i5700" for Europe, a music-oriented phone is coming
| from INQ, Spotify, and Telia, and Verizon is
| spinning a MiFi-enabled phone, say various reports.

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