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[News] Belated Review of Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10 Review - "Microsoft should be freaking outâ"

  • Subject: [News] Belated Review of Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.10 Review - "Microsoft should be freaking outâ"
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 23:36:30 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Ubuntu 9.10 Review

,----[ Quote ]
| Itâs been a couple of months since the release 
| of the latest and greatest of Ubuntu, Karmic 
| Koala and while weâve been busy building 
| servers based on the this release we can say 
| with out a doubt it just keeps getting better. 
| The refinements in the Gnome interface really 
| are paying off in spades, as this release is 
| more than ready for prime time.
| Finally the new file system is enabled by 
| default. By this we mean ext4. While not many 
| people care about this, it adds more speed to 
| the already great linux distro. Overall 
| systems feel snappier and I really chalk it up 
| to this new file system. That and all of the 
| work being done on the boot up and launcher 
| times are really starting to add up.
| [...]
| Microsoft should be freaking outâ if I ran a 
| call center Iâd run Ubuntu desktop on every 
| single work station and save a butt load of $$ 
| in the process.



Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. The best Ubuntu till now. Period.

,----[ Quote ]
| Next Ubuntu version 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" will
| be a Long Term Support(LTS) version and
| will receive 5 years of support for servers
| and 3 years for all other editions. Since
| it will be an LTS version, the primary goal
| will be maximum stability, which will make
| it a good choice for OEMs to include in
| their products. The artwork design will
| once again improve, as well as the
| usability with another launch of the "100
| papercuts" project. Currently, no radical
| new features have been announced and there
| probably won't be any, since ext4 is
| already the default file system and the
| next generation BTRFS is still under heavy
| development. Gnome 3.0 with the totally
| redisigned Gnome-shell won't make it for
| the same reason(not mature enough for an
| LTS version) but it will be available in
| the repositories.
| In the netbook field, Ubuntu Moblin remix
| will be released as well as the awesome (I
| have used awesome too many times, haven't
| I? But it's worth it ) looking Kubuntu
| Netbook Remix, which will be the best
| looking netbook OS by a long shot.


Christmas Ubuntu Theme: for Christmas Times

,----[ Quote ]
| Christmas is arriving and now is the time
| to gear up your freshly installed Ubuntu
| 9.10 Karmic Koala system with a Christmas
| theme for Ubuntu. As always, I am providing
| a wallpaper, a login screen, an icon pack
| and a theme for the window manager.


Windows 7 vs Ubuntu 9.10

,----[ Quote ]
| I was musing to my coworkers that if it had
| the following, I could switch from Linux:
| 1) A decent software packaging system.
| 2) Built-in Virtual Desktops.
| 3) Middle-button paste.


Windows 7 vs Ubuntu 9.10

,----[ Quote ]
| I love Windows 7 but I canât give up by favorite
| Linux OS either. So, I finally decided to do a
| Performance Benchmark Showdown to decide who
| gets to rule on my PC. Probably, everyone knows
| whatâs new in both of them.
| [...]
| All said and done, if you need performance,
| Ubuntu is for you. If you are looking onGaming,
| you have no other choice than Windows. If you
| are looking at Features again Windows 7 is the
| one for you.


Recent:  Windows 7 meets Ubuntu 9.10

,----[ Quote ]
| In Ubuntu's case one of its assets is the
| work done to support netbook PCs. Ubuntu's
| Netbook Remix interface is a very slick
| alternative for the smaller screen space
| common on netbooks.


Windows 7 An Improvement, But Is Mac OS X Still Better?

,----[ Quote ]
| I feel that Mac OS X or Ubuntu are both
| better systems.


Feature-By-Feature: Ubuntu 9.10 Vs. Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop
| Karmic Koala's desktop should be familiar
| to Windows users. Right-click menu
| shortcuts and  personalizing the desktop
| features are similar to Windows 7. The
| desktop still isn't as "glitzy" as Windows
| 7, but users can get the eye candy of
| Windows 7 with a fast graphics card and can
| choose the "Extra" settings in Ubuntu
| 9.10's "Appearance Preferences."


Ubuntu Karmic Koala- A perfect alternative to Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| Before you decide to pay for a Windows 7 license, I
| would humbly urge you to first download a copy of
| Karmic Koala, give it a try for a week or two and
| then make an unbiased assessment of it yourself.
| You will see that you would not have to spend money
| whatsoever on a pile of software that crumbles at
| the least attack made on it. Do you intend using
| Windows 7? Please tell us why or why you would not
| use Ubuntu.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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