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Re: [News] Broadcom Puts Linux Support on Personal Navigation Device

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____/ JeffM on Thursday 07 Jan 2010 22:18 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>|Broadcom announced that it has ported Android
>>|[...]to a ARM-based CPU
> Broadcom??  Go on, pull the other one.
> <Checks date on calendar> Nope, it's not April 1st.
> Could it be that the idiots aren't in charge there any more?

Yes, it's weird, but they did change quite a while back.

- From last month:

Broadcom Offers Royalty-Free, Open Source BroadVoice(R) Wideband and Narrowband
Voice Codecs to Enhance the Quality of Voice Transmissions

,----[ Quote ]
| As a direct response to customer demand for
| advanced, high-quality voice solutions and
| development tools, Broadcom is releasing its
| wideband and narrowband BroadVoice codecs in
| both floating-point and fixed-point C code as
| open source software under the GNU Lesser
| General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1,
| as published by the Free Software Foundation.


Linux drivers for Broadcom HD Video Accelerator

,----[ Quote ]
| The Broadcom Crystal HD video decoder is a
| card that you can slip into a netbook to
| enable HD video playback on computer with an
| Intel Atom processor and integrated graphics.
| Broadcom has supported Windows since day one,
| and the Broadcom BCM70012 and BCM70015 cards
| play well with Windows media Player 12, Adobe
| Flash Player 10.1 beta, ArcSoft TotalMedia
| Theatre and CyberLink PowerDVD. Linux, on the
| other hand, has been a different storyâ up
| until now.


And then some more:

Broadcom Switches to the Light Side: The Start of a New Era?

,----[ Quote ]
| Although Broadcom had very good in-house Linux drivers for its wireless
| cards, which it sold to manufacturers of wireless routers that ran on Linux,
| it refused to release the drivers to the community, even in binary-only form,
| or to provide documentation that would assist Linux users in writing their
| own drivers.  Consequently, ndiswrapper was for many years the only way to
| get Broadcom cards running on Ubuntu and other distributions.    
| [...]
| Many individuals, especially die-hard disciples of Richard Stallman, will
| argue that Broadcom still has a ways to go if it wants to prove that itâs
| serious about Linux support.  The source of its drivers remains essentially
| closed, with their future status unclear.  As the Ubuntu developer
| writes, âItâs hard to go on a companyâs word that they will open a driver up
| and play nice, especially Broadcom.â    
| All the same, these drivers are a concrete example of the legitimacy that
| Ubuntu has gained, thanks in large part to the leverage that Canonical
| enjoys.  This isnât to say that 2009 will become the elusive Year of the
| Linux Desktop, but itâs certainly a step in the right direction.  


Broadcom aims advanced comm chips at Linux handsets

,----[ Quote ]
| Jim Tran, GM of mobile communications at Broadcom, added, "Broadcom has a
| long history of working closely within the Linux community on advanced
| communications products."  


Broadcom Joins the LiMo Foundation as a Leading Semiconductor Provider for
Mobile Linux(R) Solutions

,----[ Quote ]
| Broadcom Corporation, a global leader in semiconductors for wired and
| wireless communications, today announced that it has joined the LiMo
| Foundation as one of its first semiconductor suppliers.  


65nm "STB-on-a-chip" runs Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Broadcom is sampling a highly integrated system-on-chip (SoC) for cable,
| satellite, and IP set-top boxes (STBs). Built on outsourced 65nm process
| technology, the BCM7405 "STB-on-a-chip" is based on a 400MHz MIPS32/16e
| processor core, runs Linux, and supports numerous video compression standards
| as well as networked personal video recorder (PVR) functionality.    


Broadcom to Bring ARM Cortex-A8 to Powerful Videocore Mobile Multimedia
Product Line

,----[ Quote ]
| In addition to its robust processing power, the Cortex-A8 processor is
| fully supported by the ARM RealView(R) Development Suite enabling OEMs
| to deliver rich content to Linux-based devices that fully exploit
| the high-performance Cortex-A8 processor with significantly reduced
| memory footprint. The ability to seamlessly build Linux application
| libraries with the compilation tools in the RealView Development
| Suite enables developers to maximize the performance of key elements
| of their code base, ultimately providing end customers with highly
| responsive Linux devices that have an exceptionally long battery life.


Broadcom Demonstrates Linux OS Support on Its CellAirity Platform for Low
Cost Smartphone Handsets

,----[ Quote ]
| Broadcom Corporation, a global leader in semiconductors for wired
| and wireless communications, today announced that it will
| demonstrate the flexibility of its cellular platform with a
| new reference design that can run powerful applications on the Linux
| operating system.


Broadcom samples one-chip HSDPA smartphone silicon

,----[ Quote ]
| At 3GSM this week, Broadcom unveiled a smartphone SoC (system-on-chip)
| that integrates an HSPDA baseband modem with application, audio,
| and multimedia processors on a single monolithic chip.


Broadcom Offers Linux BSP for Wi-Fi Phone Chipset

,----[ Quote ]
| Broadcom has said that the Broadcom Wi-Fi phone chipset has been
| selected by Samsung for its new line of consumer and small business
| Wi-Fi phones.


Broadcom app processor targets Linux phones

,----[ Quote ]
| The company offers a variety of Linux-based software and middleware for
| the chip... The BCM2820 is now sampling to early access customers, along
| with a development kit that includes a Linux BSP, a suite of multimedia
| codecs, and application software.


- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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