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[News] Qualcomm and HP Target GNU/Linux for Sub-notebook

  • Subject: [News] Qualcomm and HP Target GNU/Linux for Sub-notebook
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 16:35:23 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

H.P. Develops a Netbook Petri Dish

,----[ Quote ]
| For one, H.P. has done away with a previous 
| netbook model that ran the Linux operating 
| system instead of Windows. Linux types, 
| however, still have an option. Or put another 
| way, everyone now has a Linux option.
| H.P. has brought the QuickWeb software it 
| developed with the start-up DeviceVM to its 
| netbook line. 


Qualcomm CEO Jacobs reveals Chrome OS deal, color e-ink-like display

,----[ Quote ]
| Although Android was the flavor of Linux for 
| this device, Qualcomm also lets Lenovo do its 
| own flavor of Linux for its Skylight 
| smartbook, which premiered earlier this week.



Et tu, HP!

,----[ Quote ]
| This is a sign that OEMs are looking at backup
| plans for what to do when the monopoly
| crumbles. If the market for that other OS
| dries up, they have GNU/Linux to lean on. They
| may have to advertise it a bit, but they can.
| If the market for x86 dries up in preference
| to ARM for power/price, HP and others need an
| alternative. If they will not supply ARM and
| GNU/Linux, others will. The market is
| beginning to finish the process of curing the
| anti-competitive acts of the monopoly. It is
| about time.


The Other HP Slate Runs On Android

,----[ Quote ]
| Last night, during his keynote address at
| the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas,
| Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer showed off a
| prototype for a new HP Slate computer
| running on Windows 7. It was supposed to be
| an Apple-stealing moment and it was
| Microsoftâs moment, which is probably why
| Hewlett-Packard has not yet publicly
| mentioned that it is working on another
| tablet/slate computer that is running on
| Android. You know, Googleâs mobile
| operating system.
| HP did announce an Android-powered netbook
| yesterday, but that has a keyboard. A
| source who has seen a prototype of HPâs
| Android Slate says it looks just like the
| Windows-powered one Ballmer held last night
| (see image below), maybe a little smaller.
| âIt is almost identical in every respect to
| the one he showed off except for the OS,â
| says my source.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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