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[News] ARM-based Linux Gadgets Steal the Show at CES, Linux Does Multitouch Gestures

  • Subject: [News] ARM-based Linux Gadgets Steal the Show at CES, Linux Does Multitouch Gestures
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 16:41:36 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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CES 2010: Windows netbooks obscured by armies of ARM-based Linux gadgets

,----[ Quote ]
| While new Atom-based Windows netbooks did 
| show up at CES 2010, the Wintel mobile PC 
| platform so omnipresent only a year ago, got 
| way overshadowed this time around in a blitz 
| of announcements around Linux-based 
| smartbooks, e-readers, and tablets running 
| on ARM processors.


Multitouch Gestures on Linux? You Got It!!!

,----[ Quote ]
| Most Linux distros donât yet support 
| multitouch screens out of the box, but that 
| doesnât matter, because Franceâs ENAC 
| Interactive Computing Lab has put together a 
| video demonstrating multitouch on a PC 
| running Fedora 12 on what looks to be be a 
| 10-inch touchscreen display.



Linux + Multitouch display = open source 10 fingered goodness

,----[ Quote ]
| In order to emulate these results, youâll need
| the Linux kernel 2.6.31, a modified version of
| X.org 1.7, and supported hardware and drivers.
| So weâre not quite at the point where you can
| just pick up a netbook with a multitouch
| display, install Fedora or another Linux
| distro, and expect to tap your way to bliss
| with up to 10 fingers on the screen. But weâre
| getting closer.


Linux touchscreen advances

,----[ Quote ]
| French development group at ENAC have developed native multitouch using the
| Linux 2.6.30 kernel, and can support swipe, flip, rotate and pinch-resize
| gestures...


Multitouch screencast overload

,----[ Quote ]
| Going a bit more deeply on how KDE SC 4.4
| will support multitouch, here are 3 longer
| videos:
| The first one shows marble. Is now possible
| (with the usual disclaimer on devices and
| systems that support it, hoping it will
| become a more pervasive feature) to zoom
| the earth with a two fingers gesture,
| making a retty natural interacion
| OGG version
| The second one shows Plasma: it's possible
| to move, resize and rotate the widgets with
| two fingers, making them a bit more "real
| objects".

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