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[News] Windows Site Writes Positively About Desktop GNU/Linux

  • Subject: [News] Windows Site Writes Positively About Desktop GNU/Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 12:07:58 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Editorial: Observations on Linux's Future

,----[ Quote ]
| Note that three items I did not bring up are 
| cost, stability or security. While Linux is 
| obtainable for free, that has never been the 
| feature that the FSF promotes (though many 
| users and individuals will bring this up as 
| an important point in their opinion). In 
| fact, the GPL specifically provides for 
| charging for distributing and copying Linux, 
| and calls it out as a protected right under 
| the GPL.
| [...]
| Linux is strong in so many markets. Yet, the 
| market most visible to the average consumer, 
| the desktop, has eluded a Linux presence, for 
| the most part. Is it because Linux is 
| complex? No, not really. Using Linux is much 
| like using Windows. My kids' friends have no 
| problems using my PC. Administering Linux is 
| quite a bit different, though. And that is 
| what people are really saying when they talk 
| about "using Linux is complex". But being 
| different or new does not make it more 
| complex. Alas, that is likely a topic for a 
| different time and place.


HP Pavillion dm1-1020ez - Oops, I did it again!

,----[ Quote ]
| When I went to install Linux, I found that HP 
| and Microsoft have now found a way to use all 
| four available diskpartitions - one for the 
| Windows bootloader (don't ask me why, I don't 
| understand), one for Windows 7, one for 
| Recovery, and one for HP Tools. So the first 
| thing I had to do was make a set of recovery 
| DVDs, so I could delete the Recovery 
| partition and create an Extended Partition to 
| hold the Linux distributions. That took well 
| over an hour, to create three DVDs. Once that 
| was done, I was ready to install Linux...



NeoWin reporter impartial? - I SUSEpect not!

,----[ Quote ]
| The point I made at the time (and still maintain) is that someone who has
| used Microsoft products only is hardly in a possition to call themself (IMO)
| either a tech enthusiast and/or an expert.  They are Microosoft product
| experts in my opinion and as I recently said on another site, you wouldnt be
| happy taking your car to a garage that only had experience in one model of
| car that was different to yours, the same applies to the IT world.
| I still have my doubts as to the impartiality of certain reporters from the
| NeoWin site.  Of course this is my opinion so let me place the evidence in
| front of you, the reader and you can decide for yourself.
| [...]
| He said âBuild my own Linux OS based on my needs is now few clicks away!
| http://susestudio.com #linux #susestudio #opensuseâ
| So we hit upon the subject of impartiality again.  For those that dont know,
| it is my opinion that openSUSE is about the closest thing you can get to a
| Microsoft approved Linux distro (since âthe dealâ that Novell and Microsoft
| signed a few years ago)  For those who are not aware of this deal you can
| find out more information here: http://www.novell.com/linux/microsoft/

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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