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[News] Coalitions in Europe Promote "Free Software", Linus Speaks About Lockin/Properietary Formats

  • Subject: [News] Coalitions in Europe Promote "Free Software", Linus Speaks About Lockin/Properietary Formats
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 21:41:18 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

EP Intergroup: In Europe Left and Right for Free Software!

,----[ Quote ]
| An intergroup on "New Media, Free Software 
| and Open Information Society" was 
| established in the European Parliament with 
| the support of a wide range of political 
| groups (EPP, ALDE/ADLE and Greens/EFA). Free 
| Software promoters April (FR) and 
| Associazione per il Software Libero (IT) 
| welcome this decision that opens up the 
| European Parliament to embracing the digital 
| revolution.


Embroidery.. gaah

,----[ Quote ]
| I wonder what those embroidery machine 
| firmware people were thinking. No diagnostics, 
| no nothing. If a design is too large for the 
| hoop of the machine, the machine accepts it 
| (no "Data Error"), but doesn't actually show 
| or use the design - it just silently ignores 
| it.
| Whee. Undocumented formats, bad firmware, lack 
| of sane error messages. And did I mention 
| crazy interfaces? The embroidery machine 
| itself shows up as a USB storage device when 
| you connect it, except it for some reason 
| takes about half a minute to calm down enough 
| to be mounted. And forget about the embroidery 
| card reader/writer - that one needs some magic 
| USB driver too.



Colosa Joins Open Source for America: Publicly Advocates Open Source Within
U.S. Federal Government

,----[ Quote ]
| Colosa, developer of open source business process management (BPM) software,
| ProcessMaker (www.processmaker.com), has joined Open Source for America, a
| broad cross-section of more than 70 companies, academic institutions,
| communities, related groups and individuals that serve as a unified voice for
| the promotion of open source in the U.S. Federal government sector.


Three Quick Open Source in Defense Links (and then one other)

,----[ Quote ]
| Next week I'll be participating in the inaugural Military Open Source
| Software Working Group Conference in Atlanta Georgia. Open source conferences
| that focus on the defense market are often salesy, have a dearth of actual
| developers, and tend toward sartorial blandness - a sea of dark blue suits
| worn by open source vendor sales people so they can convince hesitant buyers
| that their wares are just like the other guys. Look, we even license it by
| the seat!


Come Fly With Me: Progress FUSE to Power FAA's Air Transportation System

,----[ Quote ]
| Another key factor in the FAAâs decision to select Progress Software, other
| than the technical and economic reasons, was Progress' ability to deliver
| open source solutions backed by a comprehensive support services division.
| Open Source and SOA are both relatively new concepts to large parts of the
| FAAâs IT organization, and the FAA will rely on Progress Professional
| Services to assist with this formidable education challenge. The Progress
| Education Department is currently delivering a variety of training measures
| at various FAA locations, tailored to the specific needs of the participating
| SIPs.


Bureaucrats, Technocrats and Policy Cats: How the Government is turning to Open
Source, and Why.

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source shares critical values with government and public education that
| make them function in the ideal; meritocracy of ideas, transparency,
| collaboration. But where is the sweet spot in the confluence of these social,
| technical, and public policy ideals? What is the opportunity for the citizen
| developer to get involved? And would it surprise you to know that change has
| been quietly at work while you were still standing in line for your driverâs
| license?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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