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[News] Richard Stallman Bends Licensing to Support Business

  • Subject: [News] Richard Stallman Bends Licensing to Support Business
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 21:56:41 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Is Richard Stallman Mellowing?

,----[ Quote ]
| RMS being pragmatic, and accepting that not 
| every company can be as idealistic as he is? 
| I think I'll go and lie down for a while... 


On Selling Exceptions

,----[ Quote ]
| Thus I return again to my point that the 
| vocal anti-Free Software critics are either 
| <strong>ignorant</strong> or 
| <strong>malicious</strong>. The FSF is 
| quite good at laying out its philosophy in 
| great detail on its website. You don&#8217;t 
| have to sign an NDA or anything.
| Â The sadly necessary disclaimer:  I&#8217;m 
| not suggesting there is <strong>no</strong> 
| valid criticism out there, just that people 
| who play the &#8220;zealot&#8221; card, 
| ridicule RMS or the FSF for 
| &#8220;hypocrisy&#8221;, or enage in other 
| such fact and logic-free fallacies are to be 
| dismissed with scorn.



Draft of an Open Data Commons Attribution License

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Data Commons are happy to announce the 
| first draft of an attribution license for 
| data/databases:
| http://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/
| A commentable version of the text is 
| available here:
| http://www.co-ment.net/text/2091/
| Feedback is actively sought and we would be 
| grateful for any assistance in circulating 
| this announcement to relevant communities 
| and networks.



Following up on the GNOME/GNU fiasco

,----[ Quote ]
| Listen people, you donât have to agree with
| RMS. Heâs not a god or infallible. Just stop
| lying about the man and what he says. Just
| stop lying.
| If it only happened once or twice, I would
| be generous and assume it wasnât malicious.
| But it is constant, and seems to come too
| easy to be an honest misunderstanding. Iâm
| tired of trying to determine if a person is
| misrepresenting RMS because they are a
| malicious liar, or merely an uninformed
| moron parroting a malicious liar. It is
| quickly become a distinction without a
| difference.
| One more thing before I move on: straw man.
| We see you doing it. You arenât fooling
| anyone. Itâs disgusting, dishonest, childish
| and malicious. Stop it. Stop lying.


GNOME Foundation seeks to hide its dirty linen

,----[ Quote ]
| A few members of the GNOME Foundation have
| submitted a petition to the board, asking
| for a referendum to be held on making the
| Foundation's mailing list archives private
| and limited to its members only.


GNOME: Split from GNU Project?

,----[ Quote ]
| Stallman had also run into conflict with the
| Gnome initiator and Novell coworker Miguel
| de Icaza. He had persistently criticized the
| work on Mono and the involvement of
| Microsoft in various projects.


Mono claims unequivically refuted

,----[ Quote ]
| GreyGeek on the Kubuntu Forums has written
| up an excellent point by point rebuttal to
| a lot of common Mono claims. There is a
| growing discussion about this hot topic on
| the forums as well (linked below). Are
| Microsoft Astroturfers everywhere? Or is
| this love for Microsoft blind?


GNOME and the GNU Project

,----[ Quote ]
| Do you remember the last controversy
| around Richard Stallman and Mono? Well,
| surprise surprise: the players are same!
| Imagine that! Quite the coincidence.
| It just so happens that the person calling
| for the vote is the same person that
| created the whole âI am not afraid of
| people writing codeâ slur-meme.
| It just so happens that the person
| seconding the call for the vote is the
| same person that crafted âopen lettersâ,
| published private correspondance and
| called for Stallman to be banned from
| speaking at future conferences.
| (The irony of calling for someone to be
| banned from speaking while later
| pretending outrage at that same person for
| calling into question how appropriate some
| topics are is quite delicious.)
| Again, read the posts to the mailing list
| and on the blogs. Stallman is calm and
| composed while being called a âfascistic
| extremistâ, and subjected to push polling.
| His critics as usual are condescending,
| twist his words, and resort to childish
| rhetoric at every opportunity.
| The beauty of the mailing list is that it
| is all laid out there for anyone to see.


GNOME @ foss.in

,----[ Quote ]
| foss.in is a very nice and premier event
| held annually in India and some of the
| GNOME contributors at India  planned to
| organize a GNOME day at foss.in. Dec 5
| 2009, Saturday is the GNOME Project day
| and we have planned a bunch of sessions,
| workouts & talks. I just received few t-
| shirts for the project day for the GNOME
| volunteers and speakers. Some stickers is
| on the way I guess. Foss.in attendies,
| Meet us at the GNOME project day.

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