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[News] Google 'Attack' Involves Windows Flaws (DLL), Not GNU/Linux

  • Subject: [News] Google 'Attack' Involves Windows Flaws (DLL), Not GNU/Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 22:22:38 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Google Pulling Out of China? Don't Bet On It


Hacking Risks Persist Even If Companies Withdraw From China

,----[ Quote ]
| Google and other enterprises still face a 
| bleak computer security landscape that makes 
| their companies vulnerable to hackers, 
| whether they do business in China or not, 
| analysts say.


More Sources Claim Chinese Government Involvement in Cyberattacks on Google, Others

,----[ Quote ]
| More sources are now claiming the Chinese 
| government is behind the recent cyberattacks 
| against Google and 33 other Silicon Valley 
| companies, reports security firm Verisign 
| iDefense. The attacks, revealed yesterday 
| via a posting on Google's official blog, 
| were hacking attempts on the technology 
| infrastructure of Google and other major 
| corporations in sectors that included 
| finance, technology, media and chemical, 
| said Dave Girouard, president of Google 
| Enterprise.
| [...]
| While July's attacks were detected early and 
| were largely uneventful, December's attacks 
| did find some success. In addition, these 
| same sources claim that the files in both 
| cases share similar characteristics. For 
| example, both attacks used a backdoor Trojan 
| in the form of a Windows DLL, and both share 
| two similar hosts for the command-and-
| control (C&C) communication. In layman's 
| terms, if the cyberattack was a ground 
| assault during a war, the C&C would be the 
| general barking out the orders. Also in both 
| incidents, the IP addresses used for C&C are 
| in the same subnet and only six addresses 
| apart from each other. That means both 
| attacks are likely to have been instigated 
| by the same entity and may imply that the 
| recent victims' technology infrastructure 
| has been compromised since July.


Google Attack Highlights Strength of Targeted Malware

,----[ Quote ]
| As the name suggests, the carefully crafted 
| assaults differ from the net-cast-wide 
| malware most often seen. A targeted attack 
| specifically selects its victim and 
| generally sends an e-mail using that 
| person's name and perhaps business title. 
| The body of the message might reference an 
| attached list of business contacts, or 
| describe it as an invoice, or use any other 
| hook that would allay suspicion and convince 
| the victim to double-click the attachment.


Hackers pluck 8,300 customer logins from bank server



A new approach to China

,----[ Quote ]
| Like many other well-known organizations, we
| face cyber attacks of varying degrees on a
| regular basis. In mid-December, we detected a
| highly sophisticated and targeted attack on
| our corporate infrastructure originating from
| China that resulted in the theft of
| intellectual property from Google. However,
| it soon became clear that what at first
| appeared to be solely a security incident--
| albeit a significant one--was something quite
| different.
| First, this attack was not just on Google. As
| part of our investigation we have discovered
| that at least twenty other large companies
| from a wide range of businesses--including
| the Internet, finance, technology, media and
| chemical sectors--have been similarly
| targeted. We are currently in the process of
| notifying those companies, and we are also
| working with the relevant U.S. authorities.
| Second, we have evidence to suggest that a
| primary goal of the attackers was accessing
| the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights
| activists. Based on our investigation to date
| we believe their attack did not achieve that
| objective. Only two Gmail accounts appear to
| have been accessed, and that activity was
| limited to account information (such as the
| date the account was created) and subject
| line, rather than the content of emails
| themselves.
| [...]
| These attacks and the surveillance they have
| uncovered--combined with the attempts over
| the past year to further limit free speech on
| the web--have led us to conclude that we
| should review the feasibility of our business
| operations in China. We have decided we are
| no longer willing to continue censoring our
| results on Google.cn, and so over the next
| few weeks we will be discussing with the
| Chinese government the basis on which we
| could operate an unfiltered search engine
| within the law, if at all. We recognize that
| this may well mean having to shut down
| Google.cn, and potentially our offices in
| China.



Bots rule in cyberspace

,----[ Quote ]
| USA TODAY REPORTS that on an average day, 40 per cent of the 800 million
| computers connected to the Internet are bots used to send out spam, viruses
| and to mine for sensitive personal data.


Botnets Running Rampant

,----[ Quote ]
| How much money is being stolen by cybercriminals? No one knows, and no one
| even knows how to go about coming up with that number, IronPort's Peterson
| said.


Online banking fraud 'up 8,000%'

,----[ Quote ]
| The UK has seen an 8,000% increase in fake internet banking scams
| in the past two years, the government's financial watchdog has warned.
| The Financial Services Authority (FSA) told peers it was "very concerned"
| about the growth in "phishing".

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