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[News] Many Success Stories for Free Software on the Internet

  • Subject: [News] Many Success Stories for Free Software on the Internet
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:29:07 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Eucalyptus Private Cloud Software Takes Off in 2009

,----[ Quote ]
| Eucalyptus Systems, Inc., creators of the 
| leading open source private cloud platform, 
| today announced that since its inception 
| last April, uptake of the open source 
| Eucalyptus cloud software is rapidly 
| increasing, with downloads directly from 
| the Eucalyptus website reaching more than 
| 15,000 per month, across 120 countries on 
| every continent except Antarctica. 
| Eucalyptus is also shipping as the built-in 
| open source cloud with every copy of the 
| Ubuntu 9.10 Server Edition Linux 
| distribution, further extending Eucalyptus' 
| market reach and helping establish it as 
| the standard for secure, on-premise, 
| private cloud computing.


How Hadoop startup Cloudera is evolving

,----[ Quote ]
| The company started life as the Red Hat for 
| Hadoop -- a provider of paid support for 
| the open-source data management platform.


Open Source Clouds On The Rise

,----[ Quote ]
| Cloud computing has the potential to 
| transform how government agencies tap into 
| IT services, and open source is an 
| underlying technology in several of the 
| early government clouds that have been 
| developed.
| We have yet to see the federal government 
| issue a position on open source clouds, but 
| it's clear that agencies have a green light 
| to move ahead with open source and cloud 
| computing. It's only a matter of time 
| before these two trends come together in 
| the form of open source clouds.


Nat Geo Relaunches Site With Open-Source Spirit

,----[ Quote ]
| National Geographic rebuilt the site 
| internally using an open-source framework 
| called âDjango.â This approach lets the 
| developers plug new modules easily into the 
| site, like upcoming community and social 
| media features. It also allows other 
| developers to work with the company to 
| advance new features.


WCM Field Notes: Give Open Source A Chance

,----[ Quote ]
| There seems to be a lot of fear, 
| uncertainty and doubt surrounding open 
| source content management these days. Last 
| week, I was fortunate enough to be asked to 
| speak at a British Computer Society Open 
| Source event but was rather surprised by 
| the lack of agreement about Open Source 
| Software (OSS).


Lotus gets open source infusion from Alfresco

,----[ Quote ]
| Alfresco will ship software to integrate 
| its content management software with IBM 
| Lotus software, in particular team 
| collaboration and content management tool 
| Quickr. The 451 Group thinks users will 
| prefer lighter-weight Alfresco over FileNet


Jahia, Datamatics Partnership Offers Open Source ECM Internationally

,----[ Quote ]
| However, lest anyone think that Jahia is 
| looking only at large public sector 
| organizations, they also signed a 
| partnership agreement with Los Angeles 
| based enterprise technology agency Oshyn, 
| Inc. to enable both companies to deliver 
| dynamic web content management to Fortune 
| 1000 companies.


On the Internet, F/OSS is king.


Microsoft Should Kill Internet Explorer

,----[ Quote ]
| It's time for Microsoft to kill Internet
| Explorer. It has to be done quickly, before
| it's too late to rebound. The browser is
| bleeding market share in a way that a new
| version alone cannot stop. It's time for the
| company to rethink the browser and come at it
| from a fresh perspective. Microsoft needs a
| new browser, not a new version of an existing
| one.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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