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[News] Ubuntu Women Project Gets New Leader: Amber Graner

  • Subject: [News] Ubuntu Women Project Gets New Leader: Amber Graner
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 03:10:42 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

New Leader for the Ubuntu Women Project

,----[ Quote ]
| This morning I had the pleasure of announcing 
| the appointment of the new leader of the 
| Ubuntu Women project as selected by the 
| Community Council.
| Congratulations to Amber Graner for being 
| selected for this role! 


Many Thanks! - Ubuntu Women Project - Leader Appointed 

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier today Lyz Krumbach sent an email to 
| the Ubuntu Women Project mailing list 
| announcing that the Ubuntu Community Council 
| had appointed me as the interim leader of the 
| Project. I was speechless! I appreciate those 
| of you who gave testimonials for not only me 
| but for Melissa Draper and Penelope Stowe as 
| well. Melissa and Penelope both have some 
| amazing goals and vision for the team and I 
| can't wait to see the team adopt and 
| incorporate all these as we update and follow 
| the roadmap to a successful growing Ubuntu 
| Women Project.



New Leader for the Ubuntu Women Project

,----[ Quote ]
| Finally, appointment of a team leader is an
| unusual request for a team to make to the
| Community Council, but as a team we found
| ourselves in the unique position of being a
| four+ year old team that never had a formal
| leader and having largely been organically
| grown with no formal âmembership ranksâ or
| process for voting for a leader. A huge thanks
| to my fellow Community Council members for
| their consideration and support during this
| process.


Whoâs afraid of Ubuntu Women?

,----[ Quote ]
| The group seemed to feel that there was
| confusion about what this IRC channel was
| for. A couple of men in the room said that
| they didnât know whether they could or
| should join the channel, because it had the
| word âwomenâ in the name.

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